Got 2" pipe caps in EV orange. Also I'm pretty naive. Purchased the snow tires and rims from dealer and had them install. Assumed they would of set the pressure correctly. Checked yesterday and all 4 tires were 8lbs under. No wonder I thought the ride was Cadillac like. Ride now is a little firmer but it now seems to roll better.
This 3rd tank I'm doing way better...which is surprising. I'm in sport mode all the time now and driving it like a normal car. Not watching the MPG graph. All my trips today were sub 4lt/100kms. I'm very happy.
I am happy to announce my 2017 Prius is up to 49 MPG overall and still climbing. I am not quite a pro driver but I am getting there. I know another 2017 Prius owner who has a couple thousand miles on her car and is stuck at 47 MPG. I use the B mode on hills regularly.
Congratulations Tim. Not sure that using B Mode is always such a great idea. The car knows exactly what is best for the systems and sometimes it's better to just see what it chooses to do. FWIW, I only use B on a long, or steep downhill with a full battery to avoid overusing the brakes.
Close door. Back to bed. Set alarm for spring. Two years ago I moved to Southern California after living in "four seasons" county all my life (British Columbia, Seattle, Central Washington, Chicago). On Friday it was 70 degrees (cold cold cold). Today, I took my new Honda Grom out for a ride in my shirt sleeves. I am never going back ... not even to visit.
7 months since last post and the fuel economy in the summer is awesome. Averaging 4.1lt/100. Thi tank so far is well over 800kms. Some trips are great. One trip last week was 2.3lt/100kms. 40kms in length.