Hi all, My 2008 Prius with ~154,000 miles clicks once when accelerating. This only happens when the engine kicks in while driving. If I accelerate from a stop using only the electric motor, there is no click. In addition, if I am sitting in park and simply rev up the engine, there is also no click. The click is loudest when accelerating from a stop, but sometimes - though not all the time - there will be a click when accelerating from rolling down the road, and it is quieter then. Other than the single click, I have no trouble accelerating, steering, turning, or with anything else. This has been occurring for a few thousand miles now. I believe the click is also louder when it's especially cold outside, or if I haven't started up the engine and driven in some time. I appreciate any insight you all can provide.
It's coming from the front of the car, I imagine either the engine or the suspension. I created a quick video where you can hear the sound. I was on a hill and accelerating up and the click was pretty loud. I turned around the tried to make another video going down the hill and only heard the click once, faintly, out of the three times I tried, so perhaps starting from a stop under the stress of going uphill makes the click worse.
Wow a new one. Never heard that before. Sounds like it has something to do with the inverter. Is the ac off during this? Does it make that noise if your just sittting in the car and not moving and the engine happens to come on? Hope so because if it does just open the hood when the engine is off and wait till it starts. Or get someone to floor the accelerator and the engine will start while you listen, while listening under the hood try to locate the sound location. Also go on you tube and search Prius inspection mode That mode enables the engine to run continuously for inspection. Let it run and listen to it. Make sure engine oil is at full line and inverter coolant is bubbling in the tank. I recommend everyone put it in inspection mode once and give a good listen to the motor so if anything ever occurs you will know what it's supposed to sound like. The engine has solid lifters so it's pretty clackity clack loud compared to other engines.
It does it whether the AC is on or off, and sadly it does not click when just the engine is running. Either when the engine comes on by itself, or if I'm sitting in park and rev the engine or in drive and rev the engine with my foot on the brake. It only clicks when the engine kicks in while moving. I put it in inspection mode and looked over everything and it's all running fine; the engine sounds the same as it's always sounded - which, as you said, is pretty clacky.
Has this car been in an accident before? That's a very sharp click, can't think it would be from the engine area
No accidents. Nothing beyond occasionally scraping the bumper on a speed bump or when turning into an incline.
I am wondering whether the damper located between the engine and transaxle might have a broken spring or getting loose.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm taking it in tomorrow, hopefully these will narrow down the possible suspects and we'll get it figured out.
Is it making the noise if you sit in drive pressing hard on brake with left foot and then press throttle with right foot? Try to stab the throttle to get it to make the noise.
In drive? Throttle pushed down in park doesn’t actually run the engine (it’s just spinning with MG1).
Does it sound like this: I am having a similar issue and got a check engine light sometimes with a catalytic converter code so I am thinking that is what it is for me. Did you ever figure out what it was for you?