I brought my 2012 plug in Prius in for its 75,000 mile maintaince and had 3 service recommendations given to me. A brake fluid flush for $140.00, an Induction service for $242.00 and a PCV valve change for $98.00. I have a 35 mile round trip commute to work and get about 9 EV miles so a lot of my miles on on the engine and not the battery. ( no place to plug in at work ) Are these services something reasonable that my car should or could need or just an upsale by the dealer? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Maybe just tell 'em to rotate your tires, and get outa there. This is the US schedule, in graph form: There's a lot of items in there, that really never get done, mostly ok to miss. Cabin and Engine filters are something you should inspect yourself, and only replace when seriously soiled. The one service worth getting, that's not on the US schedule (It is in Canadian schedule, 3 year or 48,000 km's): a tri-yearly brake fluid change. $140 is steep though. I did that on ours, required: 2 pints of Toyota DOT3 fluid ($8.50 Can per), raising the car a few inches and removing the wheels (not absolutely necessary but makes it easier), an hour or two, and an assistant. $70~80 for this would be more reasonable. See also @NutzAboutBolts video, pinned at top of 3rd gen maintenance section, if only to understand the complexity.
The "induction" (air filter, throttle-body and injector cleaning) is overpriced by 50%. And not needed unless you have engine missing problems. Air filter replacement is OK on its own, but should not cost more than $50 or DIY.
upsell, i wouldn't bother with any of them. prius is good until 120k, when you need to do a couple things, none of them in your dealers recommendations though.
Thank you all for your advice. I had a feeling they were trying to upswell me. We will definetly look into filter change outs.