I think, if color of your car is gray, it makes car less visible. Second, adding highlights and bad visibility always a good idea. Third with Prius people change their habits, what it's good for MPG, not always good for safety. Like slow acceleration, and changing lanes. Also, on hwy, if you keep up with the stream, left lane is safer. Do saving tricks when no cars behind. Don't irritate other drivers. May be you loose a couple of MPG, but save on insurance, time and own safety.
I jumped on this thread in May when I had to get a new car after being in an "I didn't see you" accident. That new car was just in an "I didn't see you" accident on Wednesday, and I'm waiting to hear if she's going to make it or if we have to get another new car! I still think it's more likely that others cut us off because they don't want to follow a Prius, but it's getting harder to argue that we aren't invisible in the road. Yes, our Prius is grey, and yes, it was overcast and generally a grey morning, but the lights were on and Hubs was going straight through a green light when the driver turned into him. You decide.
Get some plastic dip and spray on some visibility markings. If you hate them you can peak them off? iPhone ?
I'm starting to drive with my full headlights on, all the time. The Prius is a small compact car. High visibility and safety are a priority for me. I don't buy that poor excuse that it may lower the gas mileage. Who cares! My main gripe about Prius owners, is I see so many driving with no lights whatsoever. Our cars come with daytime running lights... use the damn things! Like before dawn, or in fog, or during a rain storm I am constantly seeing Prius drivers with no lights. Makes no sense. Especially if you are driving a silver car, or light gray, or dark gray, or black... Light that thing up! (In California, it's the law. If it's raining and you are using your windshield wipers, you must have your headlights on too.) Think safety first, and quit being so obsessive about the MPG. Just drive it like a regular car.
Is there any evidence that headlights help in the daytime? I don't run the headlights in the daytime because it lowers fuel economy and wears them out faster. Plus, I'm always hoping for a not at fault accident. I'll never upgrade to a newer and nicer vehicle if someone doesn't forcibly remove it from me. I do my own work, and come out financially ahead. I have been hit 3 times so far in 2 years with the Prius. Maybe they blend into the background more than other cars? I've never failed to see other Prii though. They aren't small cars, and certainly are easier to see than motorcycles.
Lowers fuel economy??! What, about 1/10,000 of a gallon of gas!? Who puts these crazy ideas into Prius owners heads??? No wonder people think we're nuts. I bet you turn the lights on, on that motorcycle! I've owned four, and the more lights the better on that bike! Same goes for my Prius. Full headlights. But that's just me. I want to be as visible as possible in that small car. On to the next argument… We need another good oil change thread!
The US EPA says they are not sure, but many countries who have mandated Daytime Running Light are convinced they have evidence that DRLs or headlights in the daytime help.
Sorry, but this is such a silly argument. If some Prius people prefer to drive around in the dark with no headlights, so be it. Best of luck. I spent $27,500 on that silly looking Disneyland car… And I am damn well going to use ALL the lights.
Where did you get your figures? I find people who dream up numbers to be crazy, and consider them to be nuts for trying to convince others that their argument is valid when it's obvious their data is misinformation at best, or an outright lie at worst. Fuel savings depends on how much electrical load is placed on the vehicle. DRLs place a lower load on the car because the other lights aren't illuminated at the same time. When headlights are turned on, all of the other marker lights come on as well. This has a small but measurable fuel consumption of about 0.04 gal/hr. The more efficient your vehicle is, the larger percentage of the fuel consumption this represents. In the Prius, that might be around 5%. In a Hummer, it would be more like 2%. If anyone is curious (is efficiency a reason why some people like the Prius?), a discussion about lighting and fuel consumption is here. I run lights on the bike because it's the law. There are also bigger consequences of being hit on the motorcycle than in one of the safest vehicles made. I did replace the incandescent lights with HIDs to reduce the electrical load and improve lighting performance. I also have a switch that allows me to completely turn them off. Those who are concerned about safety and willing to spend extra money to improve the safety should first ask themselves if they are overweight. Heart disease is the #1 killer. After that, they should evaluate their diet and exercise routine. Most of us aren't dying or getting permanently injured in vehicle accidents; rather our poor health decisions are causing the majority of our premature death and injury.
Thanks, Doc. You need a GEN 4 Prius. You can light that Disneyland car up like a Christmas tree, and it doesn't affect the gas mileage one bit!
And even if my MPG went down 10, I would still use every light available. I did not buy a Prius to be paranoid and obsessive about gas mileage! Is life really that boring for some of you guys??? Some of these posts, only confirm my opinion that many Prius people are very strange! Nothing wrong with wanting to get good gas mileage, and save some money… But then they blow lots of money in other ways in their life. Makes no sense. To each his/her own. I'm buying a gas-guzzling Ford F250! With eight bright lights on the grill!
My other car is a Dodge 2500 Cummins turbo-diesel. I also drive that without the headlights on during daylight hours.
Truthfully, I'm only 5'-4" tall... and 130 lbs dripping wet. I need to hide inside a BIG manly truck. My little Disneyland Prius car is not fooling anybody.
Every 5000 miles I turn on my headlights, as the Toyota tech has turned them off during service. They stay on for the next 5000 miles.
That's the problem. Back in the day, only motorcycles had their headlights on and that helped make them much more visible to the auto drivers. Now, all the sheep have turned on their cars headlights and that ended that. Motorcycles are now more difficult to see.
I have said it before, but if people aren't looking, then no amount of lighting will help. Of the 4 times I've been hit, all have been due to people taking their eyes off the road, not a problem with being visible. If my motorcycle is hidden from view by another vehicle, headlights won't help. I've never been hit on my bike, and only once had someone almost pull out in front of me. Maybe I'm lucky, but I improve my luck by visualizing myself in the other driver's seat, and position my bike in a way to give them the best chance of seeing me. The same tactics can be employed in a car, but I admit I don't drive as defensively as I ride, which probably explains why I've been hit so many times. On a bike, I'm always checking my rearview mirror at a stop. In my car, I might look 25% of the time. I always check for cross traffic at an intersection regardless of what I'm driving. There is no reason to get hit by someone running a red light if people simply use their eyeballs.