My C is like me, it really dislikes cold weather. understand for this area of southeast Texas, just north of Houston we call cold under 50°F. I have noticed a HUGE hit with cold weather. It was in low 30's°F yesterday, 6 Jan, driving same route home from work where I usually get mid 50's mpg when temps are in 70's°F, yesterday I got upper 30's mpg. I ran the heater full hot for a few minutes to knock chill out of cabin, then turned it off for rest of trip, had DRL off. EDIT: it was 17°F this morning 7Jan17
This is kinda akin to selling fridges to Inuit, but: install the block heater? I would suggest to set the heater on Auto, leave fan speed alone, and set temp as low as possible, just above "Lo". And at red lights, or any other protracted stops: turn the system right off. With the car half-warmed that'll likely tip it to shut off.
About 10 years ago, we used to go up north where a local bar would host "Ice Golfing" in the beginning of Feb. (about the same temp), with all the food and "fixins". 1- clear the snow off the ice 2 - using an ice auger, drill 9 holes about 50 yards apart. 3 - using spray paint, paint a solid green about 5' around the hole 4 - using a tennis ball, and any 1 club of your choice play, with "Beverage" in hand. (drink quickly or it will freeze) If you need another, they do have a beer cart behind the snowmobile. 5 - after 1-2 hrs., head to the bar for warmth, food and more beverage 6 - collect prizes for the top games. Oh to be young again ;-)
I have been trying to get together a Florida meet. I don't know how long you will be here in Florida but maybe we could organize a lunch one day with some Florida people. Orlando would be a great central meeting location.
Turn those DRLs back on! Safety is much more important than mpg! Especially in a small compact car like a Prius C. Are you trying to save 1/5000th of a gallon of gas?! I would respectfully suggest, that Prius owners don't become so obsessive about gas mileage. Just drive it like a normal car, and enjoy the ride. Anything over 30 MPG is great! That's better than 90% of all other vehicles on the road. Also, those short trips don't mean much. The only true indication of mpg, is when you check it after you've gone through a full tank. Be safe! Turn on your lights! Don't worry so much about your gas mileage. It's funny, Prius drivers save a lot of money on gas... and then they blow and waste all kinds of money in other parts of their life.
How did we make all these years without Drl's? How terrible the safety was growing up without airbags? Licking the shopping cart handles before they had antibacterial wipes? Is the world really a safer place?
As far as automobile accidents are concerned. the auto insurance industry claims back up the idea that yes, the world is really a safer place. That is why they do their crash testing & ratings. It is not just for our good, but to lower insurance claims.
Who in the Sam hell licks a shopping cart handle!? You guys can throw out all the silly arguments you want. I'm leaving all my lights on. All the time. And if I only get 40 mpg, I'm still laughing all the way to the bank. I didn't buy a Prius to be obsessive and paranoid about gas mileage! I hope I'm wrong, and maybe it's only my imagination... but are some Prius owners really weird people??? Did the Prius make them weird? Or were they already strange before they bought the car…
Actually, it has been proven that belling the hybrid does not help. I think it is just theater so the government can say they did something.