I'm sure this will start a SH** storm, but I was wondering would not the Prius Prime look better 1" lower?
Too low already. Frankly, I couldn't care less how it looks, and I wonder why anyone does (though I recognize that this is important to many people, I just don't understand why). I care that it scrapes over bumps and such.
The front of my 2016 liftback scrapes several times a week. Even going very slow. The car just doesn't agree with some of the incline or decline driveways. There is no way I would want that car lower. The suspension is not that great to begin with, and when you lower a car doesn't that make it stiffer? Plus, I just don't understand throwing thousands of extra dollars into modifying a little Disneyland car, like a Prius. But what can I say, I'm a cheap old guy!
Whether or not it would look better is subjective, but the Prime is a very expensive trinket to buy just to look at. Lowering it would likely reduce its functionality as an automobile on the real life pot-hole laden roads of today.
I had the pea soup looking green color. That car sure ran well, never had any problems whatsoever. Simplicity at its best! OK, let's quit hijacking this thread.
It might, but I drive my Prius. It certainly will not drive better 1 inch lower. (If you only drive on the Bonneville Salt Flats, I am wrong)
I think the stance is pretty nice as is. There's always a balance I think between function and form when it goes to stance for cars. For a plug in hybrid commuter, a low stance would frankly seem silly. Those LA pot holes would rip the suspension to shreds for me. iPhone ?
When I was young, there were lots of "low riders." Tough acting Hispanic dudes that looked like they would kill you for a nickel. And back in those days, if you had a silly lowered Prius, they probably would!
True, but us Flatlanders still have to deal with curbs, driveway slopes and worst of all - speed humps. totally crazy and extreme, but can you imagine trying to get into this garage without a Jeep...
The picture has been floating around the Internet for quite a while. I don't believe it's real. Do you?