Recent experience on Amazon rejecting improperly many attempted on same ordered verified purchaser items with many 1 star reviews for reasons vague and not a specific violation to the letter of their community guidelines: Background; First we are a high volume buyer with 2 to 4 or more larger orders a month as we need a lot of car parts for 7 of us, herbs and minerals we use to solve difficult health issues are not available locally. We support brick and morter as much as practical but Amazon is a necessary evil for us. Problem; Our family ordered from two different accounts one me and one my daughter in law for Christmas gifts for immediate family members ordered 3 expensive high quality VOM's from Amazon market place sellers for me any my two oldest sons. They were qty 2 Fluke model 115 and qty 1 Fluke model 117. The 2 115's were from 2 different new Amazon Marketplace sellers and the 117 was same seller as one of the 115's. Order for one 115 was shipped and arrived on time. Order for one 115 was comfirmed then cancelled within an hour for "technical reasons" which was vauge and infuriating. The remaining 2 orders from the same seller "Shannon Reyes" was confirmed and later that morning got two emails with order numbers but no tracking numbers due to method that they had shipped. Several days later after two days beyond projected latest arrival window date no deliveries of both orders from Shannon Reyes. Then submitted emails to seller for both orders requesting reshipment or refund but got email very quickly that seller had left Amazon Marketplace. Infuriating. Submitted 1 star rating with feedback explaining the facts being very brief but accurate for both orders but they all were rejected for allegedly not meeting the community guidelines which I scoured. Unfortunately they are wrong. After 3 more differently worded but accurate attempts only the feedback of "Bad Deal" was accepted. I did apply for refunds and was granted them but this was attempted theft and interstate mail fraud at the least and I am furious. Anyone else seeing this happen? Please tell us your story as Amazon surely is not interested in the truth being told. Sent via my LG V20 on Tapatalk
I am very active reviewer, technical and highly accutate. What is more than disturbing is opression of the accuracy of the admittedly only 2% on average that statistically do review purchases. Sent via my LG V20 on Tapatalk
I agree with you that Amazon should allow correct reviews, even when they're negative. Even the 1% negative reviews are useful just to see what problems can occur. The best reviews give both a sense of the product, and the person who is reviewing the product. A negative review by someone I disagree with may very well be a positive review for me. And a positive review by an illiterate fanboy may be just the opposite.
I am confused. You got a refund but claim fraud and theft. If they "left Amazon Marketplace" why is it Amazon's problem? It seems like you have been made whole...move on.
No. The point here is selective review culling and supression of truth as beyond the fact that I did not get what was ordered and the circumstsnces are dishonorable on the sellers part. I wanted the purchased items period. Buying is a contract and the seller broke contract and failed and did so with malice by chargin us but faking shipping. Whole is a relative term. I will never be whole as I did not fulfill an expectation for someone expecting the seller to deliver at Christmas time, So the critical timing and time lost will never be recovered. Therefore their choosing not to deliver (evidenced by processing fake shipment) but charge us was fraud. Amazon having to mop up their mess was just a damage control move. You miss the point completely as the service was rehrehenseable. If seller had, admitted an imaginary alleged error on their part and offered refund & communicated thus there would be no reason for 1 star review. But under these circumstances I have the right to exercise 1st ammendment here and for some reason Amazon does not allow it. I will never be able to make up for the loss of face, honor or respect with the ones I ordered there items for. Makes you go hummm. Sent via my LG V20 on Tapatalk
A while back I won an eBay auction for $0.99 on an item worth about $150. Wow, big win! I immediately paid and waited for confirmation of the sale. And waited. And waited. I eventually sent a message to the seller asking for at least a refund if they weren't going to ship. Wait another week. The seller finally did reply with a lame excuse, which I really didn't believe. I think they just had seller's remorse for someone winning the bid at their opening price. They did finally refund the $0.99, leaving the transaction as "unpaid" by me (?). I figure I was very generous by not leaving a review. The seller only had a few transactions, and didn't think through what would happen with a $0.99 minimum bid. And I learned that bidding $0.99 on a $150 item is just asking for trouble. Wasn't worth the trouble.
And I think you need to get away from the internet for a while. I am beginning to think this is a troll.