entune apps support charging status Only for Prius prime Advanced (most expensive trim inUS) with safety connect (need subscription) Most driver with Plus or Premium don't have this entune function. Someone can argue the charge station may offer app tell you total charging kWh. From that we can estimate how full is battery. I remember Chevy volt app have battery status for any trim. Not sure if correct. There is LED indicator on dashboard. From my office window I can use binoculars to check, provided parking at top floor of garage building with unblocked view. I hope someone find a better way and willing to share here. Even in house garage where can have Bluetooth connection, I don't know how to read charging status from phone.
Yes EV distance shown 22.4 mile and 23.9 mile on two different car right after fully charged. I end up buying the 23.9 mile car for other reason. But still no way to remotely check battery status unless advance package. Yet.
In the 4.2" MID, go to Settings --> Meter Customize --> HV System Indicator --> EV Drive Monitor. Choose "EV Energy"