2 odd transaxle? issues

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Shaun_Collins, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Shaun_Collins

    Shaun_Collins Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2017
    Tulsa / Broken Arrow / Catoosa Area
    2006 Prius
    History is 1st paragraph problem is 2nd:

    '06 Prius 151K mi $ 1200 toatled out 3am CL buy in S. Dallas. Was bought at auction by previous owner who failed to xfer title. Driveable since about 3 months post buying (had to pay $170 or so and wait 4 months to agent to get title in OK as laws are terrible now on title issues) but project car a work in progress. Had sit months. Came with nearly same color matched but had improper type paint wrong on bottom earlier '05 bumper but made it work cover & white mismatched dented ugly white scraped up hood missing badge emblem. Had a racing mechanic & previous owner hack it up missing loads of fasteners, and plastic clamps & clips, but worst was wreck damaged bad radiator, AC condenser / reciever dryer assy, air intake box, throttle resolver (found the hard way with erratic engine operation), and the inverter had been replaced with a drained, leaky damaged salvage one with fwd wiring bracket mount sheared off and cracked through lower casting @ rear mount boss. Bought decent 140amp mig with spoolgun to fix. Gutted inverter, welded, high speed rotary ball file ground excess. Good to go now but caution warning different Gen 2 inverter mount styles exist. Front RH, top of core support and hood latch beyond straightening repair so ordered new entire core assy and cut out and primed, painted & mig welded in aftmkt metal core parts. Had to tweak front end quite a bit with our autobody 13lb slide hammer kit. Hood still messed up but it came bad. Managed to carefully save aux batt but HV battery has been a mess even with careful rehab with so far 6 modules replaced due to sitting so discharged many had problems. Still one intermittient module fails with no ryme or reason after sitting about 11 hours after use but usually not after overnight (odd) but slightly more often in hot weather which makes sense but code reset with Torque Pro gets her happy again. Suspension is way too soft like many complain of. Thinking of putting '04 oem or sport suspension on this one.
    Changed all fliuds with nothing worth remarking about with OEM ones after much research highly, emphatically recommend only OEM fluids or for ATF the MFG'r OEM supplier is Idemitsu grey bottle spec stuff with both "WS LOW VIS" and "Hybrid" on the label as WS Low Vis does NOT MEAN HYBRID DIELECTRIC & LOW VISCOSITY safe for electric motor submersion. Expensive but great Redline, Amzoil or Torco including Cadtrol and others newer marketing hype universal stuff whichbis not hybrid safe as the word hybrid is absolutely absent but WS is which is sinply not meeting the spec & do not cut it as they will reduce longevity due to.... wait for it... Not being dielectric non conductive. Not engaging in debate on this issue. Serviced inverter coolant with $100 professional burping type filler unit. $1400 in parts later including radiator, condenser assy, inverter mount bracket and inverter coolant bottle she was good to drive. Still have origional inverter car came with in back minus assumed mangled steel stamped cover and coolant bottle. Still missing flimsy wiring boot cover from top of ABS unit which are missing from every salvage car we have seen. We practice upper and lower grill blocking in winter. We inspected plugs and ohm'ed out the wires troubleshooting the throttle resolver.

    Intermittently it has two weird problems usually but not exclusively on acceleration interchange ramps at ~34 mph with very light throttle touch it seems to be not able to decide whether to accelerate or slow but gently depressing throttle it sometimes hesitates back and fourth between slight acceleration and deceleration and then suddenly accelerates with kind if a clunk. Problem does not reoccur the rest of my 16 mile one way daily trip. Possibly related but does not light up at same time as the hesitation & clunk the three yellow trio ACC VSC / BRAKE or something like this) lights come on all at once. But they reset with power cycling.
    #1 Shaun_Collins, Jan 5, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
  2. Shaun_Collins

    Shaun_Collins Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2017
    Tulsa / Broken Arrow / Catoosa Area
    2006 Prius
    No codes ever on the 2 weird transaxle issues. Only ones I ever get are HV pack related for replacement typical usually is PA080 IIRC.

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