It is nice having a built in GPS. The suction cup on my Garmin stopped sticking to the windshield and would constantly fall off, plus it blocked some of my view. Getting a mount to stick it in a vent work somewhat, but made me hesitant to use my heater. Nevertheless, there are a number of features that the Garmin Nuvi 55 had that are absent from the Toyota system. 1) There is no indication of the next cross street. This displays at the top of the display on my Garmin. This was my most used feature after I learned my city well enough to know the general location of all the streets. Just cruise down an avenue until I get to the cross street I need without having to know the exact order they were in while saving time by not having to actually punch in an address. 2) The Garmin zooms in as you approach a turn. The Toyota does not. 3) The Garmin sorts your choices by distance. The Toyota actually wants you to guess the jurisdiction the address is located in. 4) Map updates are free for the Garmin, not Toyota. A couple of positives of the Toyota system. 1) Pronunciation is much better. Actually, this may be a negative since the Garmin gave me plenty of good laughs at its abysmal pronunciation. 2) The Toyota system offers a choice of routes.
Are you talking about that pop up that comes up when a turn is approaching? If so, I dislike that feature. I prefer the way the Garmin zooms in as you approach the turn.
No. Options - Map Mode - Dual Map Select any point on the right side map. Adjust orientation, icons, traffic, scale. You could leave it in that mode and have the right map on a higher scale and on heading-up orientation, for example.
I will check it out. I am still reading the main manual and haven't gotten to the nav system manual yet. I am sure there are still many goodies for me to find.
The nav in my 2016 is almost useless. It's missing roads and off ramps that have existed for years. Not sure if there are updated maps available for it yet but I plan on bitching to the dealer to see if I can get an update for free or at least sharply discounted.
The Toyota navigation is quite poor and the 11" screen is far worse than an iPad one, a now 7-year old product. Complaints aside, in the options > map mode there is an option to show upcoming freeway exits. This only works on the freeway but it is better than nothing I guess. I find the most useful map mode is the route list which lets you see how far you are to your next exit on demand. All in all you would be much better off using your cellphone with a modern app like Waze or Google Maps. I got my prime a week ago and have been thoroughly disappointed with the nav and 11" screen.
Truly the entire entune system is clunky and poorly designed. I like the home screen and that it can be customized. I like it better than not having anything but coming from Chrysler's uconnect system, entune feels like an afterthought.