Is it just me or does this have anything to do with gear ratio, torque and wheel size? I drive the speed limit and seems like every car on the road is edging faster than me that are going the same speed as me. I even go 5 over and a car in the left lane still appears to be going faster than me edging past me . When I drove both a Lexus GS300 and ES 350 V6s I seem to keep up with the flow of traffic without doing 5 over. When I'm in my Prius, everyone changes lanes to get in front of me that makes me feel like a the slowest car on the road with semis. When I check my GPS it appears to match up to the speed limit. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
what does edging mean? i don't know where you live, but around here, 20 over is the norm. i stay to the right, the limit, and let them pass.
They are moving ahead of me. I don't know what it is but I took a short trip out of town and trailed behind my my uncle in his SUV on the highway and he was way far ahead of me and we are going the same speed limit 55mph and nearly almost lost him as he was so far away. He thought I was just driving too slow but said I was going 55. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
are you going by the speedo? mine is 2 mph slow, so i set the cruise to 57. i check mine when passing a radar speed sign.
All I can say is for the past two years, some unfortunate speeding tickets have made me hyper aware of my driving speed. And I can say without hesitation if you are going the speed limit...or even a little above it...MOST people will pass you. Are other drivers and cars more anxious to pass you because they see a "Prius"? Well maybe. BUT.... The truth is, most people drive significantly over the speed limit. And it's not illusion. Cars aren't edging ahead of you going the same speed. If they are "edging ahead" they are going faster. The Prius and some unfortunate speeding maybe age..and I drive a lot more casually than I did in my youth. For me? I can go the speed limit...and I don't care what the vehicles around me want to do. I drive a big portion to work everyday which is a stretch labeled 45 mph. I set my cruise control and go 45 mph... And cars are routinely BLASTING by what has to be at least 10-15 mph more. Was the problem more distinct with a Prius? Yes, I think so. I still get passed in my Honda Fit...but people did seem more aggressive about passing me in my Toyota Prius. There really seems to be the dynamic of "Get Out of My Way...Prius" vs. "Small car going slow....I don't care, I'll just calmly pass". But in either case....routinely driving the speed limit means most other vehicles are going to be passing you. LOL!....One of my speeding tickets was obtained in a speed trap in a beautiful Oregon Coast town. Anyway, once I got it? I of course had to drive the rest of my trip VERY every town along this coastal highway has similar speed traps. Once I was more or less forced to drive the speed was funny how many other drivers I seemed to be upsetting. Little old ladies in their Buicks were passing me with scowls. I almost felt like taping the speeding ticket to my side window, just so people "might" understand why I was following the rules and simply driving the speed limit. But the whole experience and past 2 years....trying to get the tickets to fall off my record...has taught me that very few people actually just go the speed limit.
Yup. When I compare it to my GPS app on my phone it appears to match the GPS speedo but feels like i'm going slower than everyone else. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
if so, you may be the only one. most people find them to be off. you can find threads here. another thing that affects it is tire diameter.
Yeah could possibly be off like 3 for me especially when my uncle was way ahead of me as we were both doing 55mph as he said my car seems to be slow when I was trailing him. Our following distance was so far apart than normal. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
maybe your uncles is off. can you check it with the gps? you really can't go by anyone else on the road.
My 2015 PIP was 2 mph slower, my Prime is spot on according to the radar speed sign a block away from my turn into my apartment, but to be accurate there needs to be no one behind me Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
It's a little odd when the speed "limit" is regarded by most as the minimum. Speedometer might be reading a little high: no cause for consternation, just regard it as true, and you're a little safer. People come up behind you, get itchy cause you're not "keeping up with traffic", whip out around you, plant themselves behind the next "slowpoke"? Who cares?
It's just you......mostly. Actually I think that 5 over is slow around most major cities. And I think it has something to do with the "Intimidation factor". When I'm in my motorhome, it seems like people give me more space and pass slower. In the Prius you don't pose an intimidating picture and thus people try to blow you off the road.
Our speedometer is spot on according to our Garmin unit. We've checked it on multiple trips and anywhere from 30 to 80 mph. I haven't really noticed any difference of people being more aggressive with us in the Prius than they were when sticking to the speed limit in other small cars over the years. Aggressive drivers are aggressive drivers and they don't care who you are or what you're driving. We just spend our time staying to the right and let them go. We arrive at our destinations much more relaxed than they do; they're constantly looking over their shoulders and up to the sky for law enforcement. Does anyone have an update on the speed limit enforcement in North Carolina? The state patrol as well as some cities and counties began a new statewide program of writing tickets for 1 mph over the posted limit last April. I would like to know if that program is still in effect since we'll be there next summer. I'm normally a "stick to the speed limit" driver but I do occasionally slip above it, especially on downhills.
i know if you put different size tires on a car than oem standard then you mph will be effected. you could try going through a known speed trap at exactly 100mph and then asking the officer how fast you were going.
Typically if I'm showing 50 kmh, the Garmin (or a speed indicator on the highway) will say 48. I can't see 2 kmh being that critical, and it's all in a good cause: slowing people down, reducing accidents and injury.
I try to keep up with the traffic flow and stay to the right except to overtake, but have noticed that I can be travelling along at 5 or 10 over the speed-limit, and yet cars will still pass me as if I were stationary or going backwards! bisco, I think you need to get out more!
Alot of mixed bag here. Maybe it's them small wheels. Feel's like I be crawling the streets but I like the fact how I quietly sneak up behind people in Walmart parking lots and they don't realize nothing is there. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yeah I use HERE WeGo app for that. It also alerts when you go 1 mph over. I'm usually driving about 2 to 3 over but it varies. When had the 06 Lexus GS300 I was leaving people in the dust. I miss the power of that V6 though. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.