2007 Prius with 188K miles, original battery. So my trip from LA to San Diego just netted me 55mpg with cruise control at 68 mph. With AC set on 70 degrees. I usually don't care too much for mpg as I get 42 mpg with mostly city driving with AC on. But lately have been paying attention to my long highway drive mpgs and am getting 55 MPG. WOW! Was surprised by this. Really impressed. I have staggered tires. 195/65 in the front and 185/65 in the back. Anyone else gets this kind of mpg on an old prius?
These cars are just fantastic. The only thing I don't like is the seat. Very uncomfortable/painful to sit in for long trips. Looking to swap the seat soon.
Interesting! I made that drive several times before in my Prius. Was it from LA in the direction to San Diego? I find the drive north is slightly worse, but I average around 45MPG - so looks like you have a pretty well tuned vehicle.
I would have to work at it and it will have to be in the summer for me to get 55mpg on a full tank. In the Gen 2, I'm usually closer to 47mpg with short trips and hilly terrain. 50mpg if it's flatter terrain. My record for my Gen 2 is 60mpg and I've only done it once and could never come close again lol. Even on my Gen 3, my record is 58 mpg over the entire tank.
Now try a Gen 4. I regularly get over 50 on hilly roads. My 150 mile trip from the dealer when new said 59 on the MFD.
Congrats! The Prius excels at fuel economy in the 60-72mph range on flat ground, as in this range, the engine operates most efficiently. Rule of thumb with low rolling resistance tires is 63mpg at 63mph. Subtract a mpg for every mph faster. Subtract a several mpg if AC is used or route has big climbs/decents, a few mpg if in cold temps or non low rolling resistance tires are used. So 55mpg at 68mph with AC on sounds about right. I get low 50's going from Denver to Grand Junction (close to Utah border) and back, mostly at 72mph.
You can get 55 easy with moderate speed, low accessory usage at average temperature with favorable winds. If any of these things are out of whack than it can knock your mpg down pretty good.