Ah, I see they're using the BionX drivetrain. Nice that a manufacturer has decided to incorporate it in a finished product. BionX has been offering the drivetrain components for several years, if you wanted to build them into your own bike. In my last bike build, I made sure everything would be compatible if I wanted to go that way later (just relacing the back wheel with a BionX hub motor), but so far, it is still just a bike. -Chap
Where this fits in is probably commuting. If I ever rode my bike to work I'd be too sweaty so this would help.
There are lots of pedal/electric bikes around. The thing BionX was doing that I thought was cool (and I think they were the only ones doing it, at least a few years ago when I was following it), was modulating the motor force in proportion to your pedaling force, so, you just select a multiplier, and then it makes you feel that many times stronger than you are. regen when slowing or going downhill The idea of regen on a bike really caught my eye. When you're the one supplying the energy to get up the dumb hill, there's something really attractive about being able to keep some of it when going down the other side! A couple years ago there was a shop in town here that specialized in electric bikes (other brands, no BionX), and I asked the guy about regen, and none of the bikes he carried had it. Disclaimer: I've read about the BionX stuff with great interest, but so far I've never had a test ride on any bike with a BionX setup. (Nearest dealer here is about an hour away, a while back I thought about suggesting a bike club field trip, but it never materialized....) -Chap
I've ridden several ebikes, and the BionX was the one I liked best. That 'multiplier' effect makes you feel like Superman - the harder you pedal, the greater the assistance. And regen is essential to range, making a big difference. Others have features like CVT, which seems weird on a bike, but it's the same concept as applied to cars, and is very smooth. All in all, though, I find I can go further and faster without the burden of motor and batteries. But ebikes aren't built for cyclists - they're electric mopeds. Choosing the right tool for the job is always important.
heck no - there are dozens of manufacturers - even within different contenents. And there are kits, for converting standard bikes. Our Pedego electric is manufactured in Irvine, just down the road maybe 3 miles away at the most. Here's our model - the "comfort cruiser" same olive green frame & tires. comfort - because at my age, the back side no longer has the muscle padding to sit on, that I used to have,in my prime .
Perhaps there's a shortlist of those with 'limber' gluteus maximus on another forum. Anyway, like you, I don't think I'd qualify for a place on it!
High intensity Supernova lighting system for outstanding visibility front and rear Elby Bike | Elby Bike – 9-Speed
Oh there's the price $3700 I wait for the reduction, although I suppose that's not actually too bad compared to other top-of-the-line bikes.