My 2004 Prius with 135,xxx miles has some brake problems. 1) While braking at high speed there are no symptoms. When braking at low speeds (aprox. 20 and under) I was hearing an electrical/whirring then grinding/squeaking noise as it comes to a stop. The noise comes from the front right. 2) Then a bunch of warning lights came on the dashboard and only the front left brake would work. All the strange noises stopped as well. 3) Today I took it to a mechanic and he read the engine codes then reset them. All my brakes work again, but I still have the same noises. Brake Noise. You can hear the electrical/whirring noise, but not the grinding/squeaking noise probably because I didn't break aggressively enough.: This is some other guy's video, but my car sounds and behaves the same way. DTC CODES C1241 Too low or too high battery voltage C1341 Fault in hydraulic system right front What do you think the problem is? The brake pads and rotors look fine and I didn't see any rocks lodged anywhere. Thanks!
135,XXX miles I agree that I might have a wheel bearing or CV joint problem. I actually just deleted that part of my description because I feel like that might be a separate problem. The braking noise can be heard when going straight and that's my primary focus right now because I need to take this car through the snowy mountains in about a week.
I can't view your video without "signing in". But those code descriptions (assuming you got them from a reliable source, like the repair manual) seem pretty specific, especially "fault in hydraulic system right front", which also corresponds to where you heard a noise. (The voltage-low-or-high code calls for a little more legwork ... the culprit probably isn't the battery with one of those, but likely with some wiring connection on the current path, where the voltage may be dropping.) Those one-line code descriptions are suggestive, but they won't take you all the way to understanding the cause. That entails going to the repair manual, flipping to the page where the troubleshooting tree starts for each of those codes, and making the indicated tests until the tree leads to an identified cause. Happy hunting! -Chap
C1241 can be that you have bad 12V battery but I would concentrate on the other code and come back to 12V battery later. C1341: You likely have crooked, warped, or other vice uneven brake disc. This is the only thing that would cause noise and that code. -Sometimes when some work is done on the car, or even just taking the wheel of and butting it back on, something can go between brake disc and hub. This will cause the disc to be crooked. Then it will slowly wear to be uneven. -Or disc can be warped by getting it hot and then driving to a puddle. -Or if wheel nuts are torqued way too tight disk can bend under the pressure. -Or peace of disc surface can be lost due to rust buildup inside.
My brakes work totally fine when the car is a neutral. Smooth and silent breaking. It behaves exactly like the car in the second video. The guy the video says it's a transaxle problem. Do you think there are any other possibilities?
Was this problem ever resolved? I have the same code and a noise at the right front brake. My mechanic said brakes are fine, but indicated it was a problem with the ABS electrical system and could not fix it. I suspect it is the ecu or the 12 volt battery or both.
The guy got his problem fixed and moved on, hasn’t been here in almost 15 months. Happens a lot around here. You won’t see him again until he has another problem. You would think people would at least have the courtesy to follow up to help others, but the internet isn’t like that with some people.
Thanks for the relies. I had the 12V checked yesterday at Autozone and it's producing the right voltage and they said its still good. Does anyone know where the ECU is located on the Prius or where I can obtain a diagram of the engine parts, etc.? Codes readings are C1241 and C1300 Thanks John
It's just a regular YouTube video, no problems here. Not sure how helpful it is: the main participant in the video just loves to talk, drowns out pretty much all the other sounds, lol.
I wonder if it was a different link at first, when I tried? I don't usually have trouble with youtube.