Just want a confirmation, the apps for Prius plug in for "Charge Management", "Charge Station Map", "Eco dashboard", etc., are these for "Prius Plug-in Advanced" only? I've seen these apps mentioned in various articles and of course in promotional videos like the one below, but I can't find them for my PiP Standard. I'm pretty sure they're for Advanced models only, right? I just updated my apps following the Toyota download instructions, but I still don't have the special plug-in apps.
I believe there is also an extra charge to get this. When I looked into it, Toyota wanted a subscription.
The Advanced features piggy-back on the Safety Connect system in the Advanced. This is a feature comparable to GM OnStar, and uses a built-in cell phone for communication. For the safety feature, if the airbag deploys, the system automatically calls a monitoring station and reports the incident, along with GPS coordinates. There is also a button in the car that connects the driver by voice with a person at the monitoring station who can respond to a problem, like dispatching a tow truck or emergency personnel. The Advanced features use this cell phone to report the data for the Advanced features, like turning on the A/C, reporting current location, and current charge status. The Base model does not have this Safety Connect hardware, and thus the Advanced features are not available on it. And yes, after a initial "complimentary" subscription, there is a fee for Safety Connect. At least part of this is used to pay for the cell phone service. This cell phone is not used for other features like Entune entertainment; these rely on the driver's smart-phone for Internet access.
I was about to ask nearly the same thing as Michael when I found this thread. I guess that answers that. But I'm still wondering ... I haven't yet found a resource for us poor base model owners for locating charging stations while we're on the road. I did find some that show you a map after you type in your zip code. Any recommendations. By the way, I just got my 2013 PiP two days ago and this thing is AWESOME! Huge upgrade from my '05. I still have a lot to discover and I'm thankful for all the info here.
Congrats on the new ownership of the '13 !! i just bought my first PIP a '12 Advanced (some months back). Providing You have smart phone.... here are my recommendations.... there are apps You can download for all three... http://www.blinknetwork.com/mobile.html (saved credit card information, pay as you use) ((i'm a member and use often)) http://www.chargepoint.com/ (saved credit card info, $25 initial "charge" and use that $25 as you go, refills automatically back to $25) ((i'm a member and use often)) www.chargepoint.com (good map at home, but app works without any payment infomation)
I might be a little bit off topic here, but I'm reporting on my Entune problems for my Advanced. When my car is being charged, I can use my Entune app to monitor the charge level of the car. When you're in the app you can hit a refresh icon and it will bring you up-to-date on what the latest charge level is. Unfortunately this feature stopped working properly a few days ago. You would have to exit the app after hitting the refresh button, in order to get the latest value of the charge. I contacted Toyota corporate, and they resolved the problem in 2 days. Chris was very helpful and was able to contact me several times to keep me up to date on what was going on. I don't yet know what the problem was, but it had something to do with their servers, and the IS Department handled that. I'll keep the forum up to date if I find out. Thank you Chris and all the fine folks at Toyota! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Mais non, mon ami!! I tried to find an appropriate existing topic header and I apparently have been "emigrated" to a different area!! Ouch, eet eez so Embarrassinglement!! Do yu theenk eet eez worth creating a nous topique!?? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
You mean, "Definitelylement"!!?? Har, har! You must be employing a more Northwestern dialect of ze French tong, say, Canada, har, har! I will endeavor to persevere at a better topic location. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
You sir, lile my Prime, are Advanced!! Cool! I followed your advice, and established a new topic header under the Main Prime Category, "Entune Charge Managing". Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.