113,000+ miles and doesn't use oil. Oil changes always around 10,000 miles. Bought it new. Babied it then and still do when driving. If I could rid the car of the the dash rattle!
mine started around 125k ... I use about 1qt in about 5k. Up to about 100k .. it did not use very much in 10k. Now past 160k
I've used nothing but Toyo 0W20, no consumption so far, which is only around 64,000 kms though. Still, considering 2nd gen spec was 5W30, seems worth a try, if you've got some consumption, or just thinking about engine longevity.
Too bad that i couldnt make a more detailed questionaire but it seems that ih you have a 100k+ car there is about 50% chance it is burning oil. I wonder what happens after 200k, 100% chance?
a 2010 started inbetween 80k and 85k miles, when suddenly it was out of oil one day. The warning message only lasted a second. I got the oil changed hoping it was a fluke with just the previous oil change, but alas, it is burning oil like crazy. I have to add oil every 600 miles or so. It sucks. It sucks that Toyota says this is acceptable still. It sucks so much that I am leaving the brand, despite their amazingly priced tech packages.
Was there any signs of oil leakage? I'm just wondering if that was due to an oil change place not torquing the drain bolt, something like that. That does suck btw.
That is unfortunate. How often were you checking the oil level in between oil changes? How many miles on it now? Have you tried increasing oil viscosity or any other methods to slow oil consumption?
Any info on fixing oil consumption and costs? There is a $400 rebuild kit floating around, I guess it shouldnt be more expensive to do a rebuild than on any other gas car - so about $300 in my country, or a lot of elbow grease and info from toyota tech website...
Have you tried anything to date? If consumption is at a quart every 5kmiles, that's not too bad. Keeping an eye on the dipstick is best and add as needed. Do not let the dash light tell you it is low. Consumption will definitely increase then. Try going up on the viscosity and see the benefit. There are other things to try as well. IMO, it is too early and consumption rate is not severe enough for a rebuild. And that is probably the kit price, where the labor is what will get you. At that point a low mileage salvage engine would be better.
Labor is pretty cheap at $20 an hour in here so not really that much a problem. I don't YET have a problem but thing is I bought this car to last (last car was 1.9TDI Passat with 160k miles that burned 0 oil after 18 years). It's not a good sign if a 6 year old expensive car shows some of the main problem of some crappy cars and I have to think what I will do in future about it. If it cant do 200k without engine rebuild it's not a car I can reccomend, and I was a strong proponent of Prius as my older posts show.
2010 bought new. head gasket replacement at 30k, otherwise no issues. dealer serviced every 5k, added 0w20 mobil 1 synthetic as needed. started burning 1qt/1000mi at 80k. now up to 1qt/500mi at 95k. failed the oil consumption test, did a teardown, found unusual wear in the cylinder blocks. extended warranty changed out the short block and associated parts. total warranty coverage paid ~$5400, half labor half parts.
That's pretty catastrophic. What kind of use does the car get? How often was the oil changed? Any other factors you can think of?
dealer serviced every 5k so oil changes every 10k. just regular communing/highway driving in nor cal.
This is the exact reason I never liked this every 10,000 mile oil change bullshit from Toyota.I just turned in a 2014 Prius 3 that was leased and I was doing the every 10,000 mile oil change up until the car got 37,000 miles on it I noticed it started to burn a little oil at 9300 mile before the last 10,000 mile oil change.
Do you see any difference in the performance like gas mileage or does it use oil still.Just curious because I might start using the same weight of oil
I have not seen any decline in mpg with thicker oil. Going to a thicker weight has slowed oil consumption some as well. I have also cleaned the egr system and intake manifold and improved mpg by doing so, or getting it back to where it used to be, which for our 2010 Prius II is 49 mpg (146 k miles owned since mile 14). One thing I have found that slows oil consumption is to take 5 mph off of traveling speed. Limits out here run 65 mph where I would go 70-75 mph. Now I go 65-70 mph and stay with the flow.
I hear that Z MAX slows oil burning as well don't know if true or not I've only heard this from one guy who swears by it He uses it in his 2009 Mustang GT 500 Shelby that has 197,000 miles on it
I have not tried that. What I have been experimenting with is made by BG Products: EPR (added to oil prior to draining and let the engine run for 10 or so minutes): I have used this on our Prius and our 98 4Runner with 258 k miles and each time I have done it, the oil has come out jet black. So carbon deposits are being removed. This oil change for the Prius I added MOA ( supposed to stabilize the oil and increase basicity to resist the acidic environment the oil is subjected to better): This was added with Mobil 1 5W-30. The next oil change will be with Pennzoil Ultra Platinum Full synthetic 5W-30. This is made from a natural gas base rather than crude. Curious to see if the deposit formation is less or if this has an effect. Also will be adding the Extended Life MOA: I also use their 44K for fuel system cleaning: If you try anything, keep us posted