What ground loop do you recommend that is not hard wire Mpow? Pac? Somthing else? To eliminate the whine noise when chargering my phone while useing 3.5mm aux is streaming Spotify Thanks Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I just ordered the mpow since it was the cheapest and I had an order to place with amazon that included free shipping anyway. If for any reason it doesn't do the job I'll just tack the PAC onto a future "free shipping" order from them. BTW, the PAC is cheaper on amazon than on Crutchfield. I could still use the mpow while doing more vinyl to digital music conversions in my home office.
Just thought I'd report my results. The mpow works perfectly for playing music in the Prius and recording music on my computer. I have a couple of big playlists on microSD cards in an old tablet that fits in the console. The filter removed the static and feedback we were getting trying to play it in the car. Now I can put it on random play and listen to hits from here to North Carolina next month without a song repeating, all while leaving a huge stack of CDs at home. Far less clutter and fumbling around in the car.