Has anyone ever tried a Airaid 1025 Throttle Body Booster 2010-11 Toyota Prius 1.8L? I found it at JEGS for $19.99. It claims increase of 1-3 mpg and 6-10 torque. Please let me know if you know anything about this and if it could really work or not? Thanks, Chris
I would wonder why just 2010-2011? I believe all models since then, except for the Prius c, use the same size engine. The Gen 4 has improved efficiency, but it is still 1.8L. Was there an engine design change in 2012?
It says on Amazon it will fit a 2015 Prius 2 (didn't check all models as the 1.8L is common). So if you are curious (and this a relatively low cost test), give it a shot and keep us updated
If this was beneficial it would be implemented on many cars. A lot of research goes into air box design and intake manifold design. Not worth it IMO
There actually are benefits to adding turbulence to the intake stream... if it's controlled, and actually happening in the cylinder. That's what Toyota's done with the Gen 4's engine, as well as the new Dynamic Force engine for the next-gen Camry. Adding it at the throttle body won't help.
Thanks to everyone for the replies. So I will pass on the snake oil, but what about the $200 ram air intake system? Would it be worth the $200 in the long run? I am about to replace the air filter anyway and planned to put in a $50 K&N, so really I would just be putting down another $150. What do ya'll thank?
Oh and for those that say yes to the aftermarket intake system, which one of these should I go with? Injen Short Ram Air Intake System or HPS Shortram Air Intake Kit + K&N
A 'ram air' system will add noise to your Prius, not MPG and not power. It is hard to quantify how much noise is worth to you. I recommend the Toyota air filter Genuine OEM Toyota 17801-37021 Engine Air Filter Prius, Prius V, Prius Plug-In | eBay
Neither of those are even actual ram air systems. A true ram air system would involve a scoop somewhere, and cutting a hole in the hood or bumper for it, the idea being that the car's motion through the air will ram air into the intake manifold, increasing power. That is what is commonly referred to as a "cold air intake", although that's also a misnomer. Your stock induction system is, as far as I'm aware, an actual cold air intake, it'll have a duct to pull cold air from outside. Those setups don't have that, and will actually suck hot air from the engine bay, reducing power. I'm not sure how the Prius's ECU would react to hotter intake air temperatures, either. And, the cone filters they use on those setups aren't the best at air filtration, meaning that they can cause engine damage. Leave the air intake tract alone, Toyota knew what they were doing.
Man am I glad I ask you guys before I wasted my money and caused problems! Thanks a bunch for taking the time to educate me here!
Oh, so you guys are also saying that the Toyota paper filter will seriously let more air through than say a K&N or AEM reusable filter will? K&N claims theirs lets a lot more air through to the engine. What I mean is since I am going to leave the oem system alone, could I still benefit from using a K&N instead of the oem Toyota filter?
K&N Air Filter Review - Debunking the Myths (and why OEM is better) - in a GM 6.6 Duramax diesel context, sure, but... In addition, K&N filters don't filter as well (potentially damaging the engine), and the oil can reach the mass airflow sensor, and foul it with contaminants.
Wow! I already learned about the oiling problem, I over oiled one on my 97 Vette and she bucked and died until i cleaned the maf. So I went to the dry after market filter by AEM. Because I thought it was helping my hp? But I never had it dyno'ed, so who knows? Maybe it is bs?
NO sorry, bad choices, BOTH. You can't just slap aftermarket "racing" parts on an engine and make it a racing engine. The ram air thing is more snake oil on a stock production car.....as is the K&N high-flow filter. Modern engines are very finely tuned to run right with ALL of the stock parts in place. Increasing the air flow IN will NOT give you better performance. Odds are that it will get worse if there is any change at all.