I have been driving the 2014 Prius C One for almost two years. I leased it, and have to make a decision soon whether I lease another car or buy one. I found a used 2013 Toyota Prius that has about 70,000 miles on it. The asking price is just under $10,000. I test drove it today for about 15 minutes (not on the highway). I noticed that the breaks made some noise, perhaps caused by rust. The driver's steering wheel also seemed to favor one side--I'm not sure if that's just a minor issue or my imagination. I am getting the vehicle inspected at a Toyota dealership very soon. Does this seem like a good deal? Anything I should be worried about?
Having good maintenance records is a big +. A comprehensive check up at an authorize dealer will also give you piece of mind. Good luck. P.S. Sounds like a heck of a deal.
if it checks out clean, and you're comfortable with the brakes and steering wheel, then yes, a very good deal.
That could be just be the tires. There's a term: conicity, referring to the tire profile getting kind of "peaked". Often swapping the front wheels left/right will dispel the pull, and prove that's what's happening.
Assuming this is a lv 1 or 2, that seems like a good deal considering you might need tires and or a 60k service. Brake noise is likely just rust from sitting