Can't stomach the AARP. Insurance is generally distasteful, but AARP's exploitation of older people is positively horrific. I started getting mailers when I turned 49. One year I piled them up in the closet to see how tall the pile would get. It was massive. My contribution to the recycling effort in good ole Seattle.
Yeah, that terrible AARP! Think of all the money we'd save if senior citizens didn't lobby the government to keep their pensions, VA benefits, social security and Medicare! Hundreds of billions! Trillions! It sickens me to my stomach that the AARP milks money out of seniors just to lobby the government for benefits they've already been promised. Ridiculous! Every time the government wants to deny seniors benefits, the damn AARP stops them. Inhumane! Who cares if old people starve, or get sick and die? They're old!! They're going to die anyway! Damn AARP "do-gooders." Think of all the cool awesome jets the Pentagon could build with that money! We should ban the AARP, get rid of Social Security, Medicare, and old people. Then you wouldn't be troubled by all the mail in your closet. Cause you wouldn't have a closet.
I initially got involved for hotel savings. I just ignore the mailings and save money. The mailings get much worse after joining BTW.
It does cover other person fully but mine is like 1000 dollar deductible. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
So Rebound , how do you really feel ,,,,,,,,,, AARP I enjoy reading their magazine and seeing what the singers and notables of my day are doing
I feel that senior citizens are very vulnerable members of our society. They've paid for benefits which they are entitled to receive, and the party in charge in Washington wants to welch on those promises.
While you do have to shop around -- it's normally best to ask for a quote for all your needs with one company. Pick a good one. I have Chubb due to my particular needs -- not the cheapest .. but one of the best. Always ask about the savings for higher deductible -- it's normally the way to go for those with substantial assists and high coverage amounts. Always get the UM coverage -- and in the amount of the other coverage limits. Remember -- UM will pay you should the other guy cause you harm and be under or not insured. 100/300 is not enough ... even for those who think they have little to loose. It's also important to understand how your chosen company will value a car if it's totaled