Hey guys, so I bought a 2012 level 2 a few weeks ago. Immediately I changed the air filter, and it still had fresh oil. I pumped the tires to 38psi and started driving. Now, I'm used to driving for mileage, always exceeded EPA estimates in my old car, so wondering how I'm doing with this thing. I do have a few things to keep in mind 1. Car is lowered so possibly more slippery 2. Aftermarket 17" wheels that sit almost flush with the fenders 3. 205 50-17 conti DWS eco plus tires @38psi 4. U-haul tow hitch on the back probably not helping airflow. 5. Winter blend gas is all I've had so far Best tank was 49.75mpg calculated at the pump, worst has been 47.3mpg. I find real world results about 5% lower than the trip computer shows. I can't say exactly how much city and highway I did for both tanks, but I've seen my MPG dip lately with much colder temps and denser air. I do drive pretty gently though, under the speed limit if no one is behind me, coast to lights and down hills, and try to stay out of the power zone of the HSI indicator (only used when trying to power up hills) I understand the wheels not being "aero" is probaby a bit deal, as I've personally felt the difference aero wheels on a road bike can make, but I'm not interested in changing them back to stock. What I'm wondering is if my current mileage is indicative of good things to come in the warmer months, or if I still have some driving to improve
Forgot to mention oil is Mobil 1 5w-20 advance fuel economy. Temps where I live have been highs of mid 40s, lows of mid 20s, showed 19*f last night
That good mpg! I wouldn't air tires that high during wet season, your giving up traction for few tenths mpg!
I'd say that's pretty good, my first tank I got 44.96 mpg calculated. I made some adjustments with my driving habits and hope to see upper 40's next fill up. I too can't wait for warmer commutes to work, I'm hoping 50's come easier.