Has anybody paid above MSRP for their ordered, deposit-given-to-dealer Prius when it arrived? Did anybody get the MSRP in writing after putting down the deposit?
I paid over. I don't know how much though because I bought alot of other things. Like Lowjack, extended warranty and another alarm, I think and window tint.
Yes and then no. At the time I placed my order, MSRP (including mats and applique) was $26,004. I wound up paying $26,149 plus a $53.50 doc fee (total of $26,202.50). A few weeks later, however, I received a $300 check from Toyota. Now that was weird.
04 tideland bc Port Townsend, Wa We paid MSRP as agreed to, and was not charged the Toyota $300.00 increase, however a few weeks after taking delivery, we received the $300.00 check from Toyota. I called the number on the letter stating we did not pay the MSRP increase, they claim we did, so rather than arguing, we kept the check. Our MSRP was $2577.00 which is what we paid, plus tax, license and document fees. Harry
Yes! I can't recall when exactly but, sometime after I placed my order, I realized I had agreed to pay about $200 over MSRP. With the $300 rebate check from Toyota, I wound up paying 100 bucks under MSRP.
i have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of the folks who REALLY paid over MSRP, and i'm not talking about $100 but the $5000 ones: a) don't really want to brag about it, since that is not customary when buying a new car most of the time and/or B) think of themselves as too hoity-toity to be hanging around this board, and it's none of your beeswax what they paid for their car anyway, just know that THEY can afford what they want (he said sarcastically)
I paid over $2000 over MSRP. At the time I had my name on 2 other lists. When I walked in to the dealer to put my name on their list the sales guy left to get the paper work when he came back he said they had just gotten one in, did I want to test it? It was exactly what I had already ordered Silver#9. I had the opportunity, if I wanted it, but no haggling there was another party wanting to test drive the car. This was in March. I still haven't heard from the other dealers.
Our first was well under MSRP though came from the dealer with 3000+ miles on it. We are now on the waiting list for another, promised at MSRP. With the recent posts from people like Manny and Aaron12, I wonder what our situation will be next go around. I wonder how fast this thread is going to get populated with increasing numbers of people who got it stuck to them (more or less), rather than choosing to pay "x" dollars over MSRP. :cussing: :flame:
I got F#@* by my dealer on a car order in Dec 03 My brother owns a 01 Prius, He received a special invitation to preorder an 04. He call the same dealership in Dec and said he wanted two one for him and one for me! The fleet manager said okay and when asked about a deposit he said don't worry about it and that it would be about 4 month wait. Towards the end of april we get a phone call that the cars or on the boat and that they will be here next week. Then the gas prices blew up and hybred attention and all the over paying. So here we are in june going on july no cars! I keep getting let me look into to it runaround. Its funny that I call the other dealers in town and can get one tomorrow if would like to pay between 2.5k and 5k over MSRP! I called Corprate but they have no comment and that I should take it up with the dealers CSR. I so frustrated with all this BS I feel like buying an f150 4x4
I've got one on order for 1500 over. I've paid $1000 and signed a sales contract and the car should be here by the end of July, but it may be August. I ordered it on June 4th. I don't feel like i am being "ripped off" at all. I don't have to buy the car if i don't want to pay what they are asking for it. I am just glad that i don't have to wait 8 months to get it. Also, i was offered a silver #9 earlier this week and i probably would have taken it at msrp, but since i'm paying $1500 over i think i should get the color and package i want.
$1,000 over. Felt it was worth it - especially since after getting the car, the next day my Neon wouldn't start & had leaking transmission lines. Now, seeing the 'adjustments' out there, I'm saddened to say that it seems like I got a good deal compaired to now. -m.
MSRP I paid MSRP, but I waited 5 months for my car. I'm happy I held out though. If people are not willing to pay over MSRP, dealers will not try to gouge the prices. And for their proper conduct, the dealer gets a lot of positive word-of-mouth and referrals (Go Broadway Toyota, in Portland, OR!). Esther