I'm experiencing short breaks on music over Bluetooth - one can also call them dips The music kind of fades out quickly, stays at zero for less than a second, and then fades in. Maybe the fading part is in my head though This happens to the sounds of any number of apps running on the phone - for example if both music and GPS are running, they both fade out and in again. My phone's bluetooth doesn't seem to be the problem as I use it with 2 more bluetooth devices almost every day and there is not a single break. Any ideas?
Getting message notifications on an iPhone? That is what happens with my daughter and her phone in the Prius. Simon
I'm on android with a Oneplus 2, and this doesn't coincide with notifications unfortunately. Android does have a feature to reduce volume of music etc when a notification comes in, but volume doesn't reduce to absolute zero.
I know this may sound stupid but this was happening to me and it turned out the cup holder would occasionally hit the volume rocker depending on the phone orientation. No lie, I could of swore it was system related as the sound would just cut out like a notification and would return on it's own. So I placed the phone on my passenger seat in disbelief but haven't had an issue since. I know it's probably specific to me but if anyone is rocking a nexus 6 and puts it in the cup holder by the selector, it's just the right height to hit the volume rockers under normal driving.