That is VERY unlikely, a more likely scenario is that your insurance will go up unless you drive 5000 miles a year, embedded industry is unlikely to release its legislative grip
just thinking, what will be the point be of sports cars and coal rollers? we'll probably all be in some kind of pods. i imagine you'll summon the vehicle for your requirements, and it will pull up to pick you up. garages and carports may become obsolete. i'm picturing massive solar installations with thousands of pods being charged, awaiting there call.
I didn't realise you could de-activate ABS - yes, stability control, but not ABS? Even if I could, I'd be worried about what I said at the Inquest when asked why ...
As far as STOP signs are concerned - that won't be a problem. There won't be STOP signs. Nor RED lights One reason government authorities are keen on AUTONOMOUS cars is the sheer waste of a lot of our driving actions. So, connected cars will know that there is no other car coming and you'll continue through the intersection - alternately, it will know there is a car coming, and it will slow your car slightly and you'll miss. The fuel (emissions) savings and the simplifying of physical infrastructure are what is spurring governments to implement these vehicles. Complex road design could be simplified - though the computer algorithms are going to be mind-boggling. But look at the steady march of technology since I first saw a Commodore64 in early '80s. Part of the scenario will include much greater use of Public Transport. What we see as TAXIs and UBER will die - there'll be a much more closely integrated Public Transport system incorporating what something vaguely like AUTONOMOUS UBER/TAXI gadgets for "last mile" delivery from Public Transport to home. Yes - some of us are more than "last mile" - we'll incorporate our own cars in the mix.
This can only happen when security is designed in from the start. Tesla is the only manufacturer seriously considering security. Imagine the chaos in your situation if Blackhats decide to have a field day.
Actually, it can & is happening so companies can make money at any cost. See Feds: Cars must be able to talk to each other No mention of security and not enough time to design it in.
You can deactivate both. Just hold in the button for two or three seconds. But it's not permanent. Each time you start the car, you have to deactivate them again.
I just can't see the day, when they would remove all stop signs and traffic lights. Maybe in the year 2525… But I will be long gone, thankfully. And they better be darn sure to make those vehicles "hack proof." Otherwise it will be mass chaos on the road. Imagine what will happen if the GPS system/satellite happens to go out? We will be back to 1920. Technology is, and has been, a great thing. But the whole world is so overly reliant on computers and satellites. Everything that can be hacked into, or get a virus, is the same things that we rely on so much. And now, artificial intelligence is right around the corner… replacing more human jobs with robots. I don't have to like it, but I guess I have to except it. And I choose to keep my personal little humble life as simple as possible. And I will repeat, if they don't make these self-driving vehicles affordable for everyone, it's never going to work. You will still have millions of hard-working, but low-paid laborers and service people, that will never be able to afford a fancy expensive self driving vehicle.
I'm not worried, just expressing an opinion. And the only way we would "turn back" is when one of these crazy nations knocks out a few of our satellites. In the meantime, I wish the auto manufacturers would work on a technology that would prevent drunk driving in vehicles. And/or pot smoking. And most of all texting while driving. These aren't cars we're driving anymore, it's a "business office!" And a 4-wheeled link to Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram... Ridiculous.
they already have the tech, but i can't post the reason it's not being implemented, because we'd get thrown into fhopol. you'll have to discern for yourself.
There's a reason for that. I have a problem with no-light intersections: think I would have a heart attack lol.
Find it in the manual. You can turn off stability control, but I doubt you can turn off ABS. I know we get an insurance discount because the car has ABS.If you turn it off, does your rate go up???
Australian. There is a button which can turn off TRC and, if held longer, the VSC systems. But as far as I can see, ABS can't be turned off. I'd be very surprised if TOYOTA would allow disabling ABS due to legal and litigation reasons. The same as disabling the AIRBAGS can't be done (without pulling a fuse in the "olden days").
I have really enjoyed this discussion, and yes, I have learned a lot. (A sarcastic bit of humor): So, as I understand it, every car (TM - Transport Module) will have a 100% reliable technical package; there will be no possibility of hacking the system; every TM will communicate with other TM's in a perfectly civilized way, politely allowing other TM's to pass, merge, pause, or have the right-a-way at intersections; every passenger will calmly and comfortably sit or move about (no need for seat belts or air bags since accidents will be eliminated) content to travel along in perfect uniformity and control, moving in perfect unison at a safe speed with all the other traffic ...... that is a commendable goal. Camelot. But seriously, I think we could achieve that right now .... if we could eliminate the everyday jackass' that are in such a rush that they must pass everyone; speed through school and construction zones; full-speed ahead regardless of weather, road hazards, road closures (like the left lane closed ahead, merge right, and inevitably, a motorist will remain in the left lane then force their way into traffic without waiting in line. If AT will eliminate that ... Count me in .... I am all in favor.