I have made a note on my calendar to update in 6 months. Or earlier if I have problems. Thanks everyone for your advice.
I want to thank the community again and a special thanks to ericbecky, who spent a lot of time on phone with me as I plan to see if I can get the additional information from dealer as suggested by him. I just got off the phone with Toyota. I was trying to ascertain whether they would give me a deal purchasing a battery from them. The answer is only if installed by dealer who they said they would call and negotiate a whole page for me. They looked at the following information. 1. How often car was serviced by Toyota 2. How many Toyotas I owned ( and or possibly have owned) 3.She was able to and looked at the invoice the dealer gave me for the 4400.00 estimate, plus the other work that was done that day. 4. We discussed my interaction with the dealer and she took copious notes. I asked and she said she was writing everything down. For example the fact that the dealer said it was fine to drive car with engine only and other conversations I had with dealer 5. I told her that the dealer should have provided additional information ( thank you ericbecky) likethe "freeze frame" from the diagnostics which might have told me which blocks were bad in hybrid assuming that really was the problem. 6. If dealer installed new battery it only came with a ONE YEAR WARRANTY...she said this may change. Hope this helps
even though your problem seems to be resolved. anyone that owns a Prius should have a mini vci or bluetooth code reader so you can quickly pull codes in case of problems.
I agree, besides being able to pull out codes, the bluetooth code reader can be used to clear fault codes when you don't have access to basic tools in the car to disconnect the negative terminal for a reset. In the US, you can always get a tow truck in record time for assistance however in some parts of world where fast support is not readily available, you don't want to be on the side of the road with a Prius and no help.
Does anyone know if you put the car into Maint mode ,which would be the same process as turning off traction control, can you run the car indefinitely with just the engine running if the car goes into limp mode due to bad HV battery? Looking at ways to get from point A to B if the battery fails and car goes into limp mode.
I doubt that you would be able to shift out of park once maintenance mode is engaged but I never tried it. Are you willing to be a pioneer and find out?