I've had a 2010/2013 Prius...both leased here in SoCal...love the car. My current lease is due in two days...so I've been shopping. Like the Prime, but leases terribly. Don't really like the new 4th gen Prius (body style, rear seat, shifter, interior colors etc), but love the mileage and practicality, as most of my driving is city driving. I'm also considering a Subaru Outback...both cars are loaded (34K prius/36K outback)...the outback is about 20 more a month to lease, so pretty comparable. However, checking with my car insurance this morning...my monthly insurance goes UP $3/month with the Prius, and DOWN $76 with the Outback...that's my gas savings and then some! My insurance went up because I was in an at fault accident in February, so it'll be high for at least 2 more years. Comparing 50K+ luxury cars too, and that insurance is same as Prius....everyone else here see similar insurance issues? Thanks.
Sell your car to carmax if you are going to turn it in. You'll get some extra money and won't have to pay the lease return fee
We have a loaded '15 2.5L Outback that was bought as a highway & family hauler which it excels at while getting better hwy mpg than the RAV4 hybrid. Like most non-hybrids it's city economy can take a real dive if there's a lot of stop/go. We put about 20k/yr on it and fill up about once a week whereas my plug-in which averages about 10k/yr only needs 2-3 tanks per year. We but especially my wife really love the OB and all its features. It works great as a hauler for our family of four+large dog easily swallowing up all our stuff for long trips (beach, camping, family visits) but for a single person in the city it would be a lot of car.
I'm really surprised that your insurance wouldn't also go up for the Subaru. My insurance also went up for my new Prius by about 13 dollars per month. But that's for a new car. I checked about other models and they were significantly higher. I think that Prius drivers are generally viewed by insurance companies as safer drivers.
I've been with the Auto Club for 30 years. No tickets. No wrecks. 62 yrs old. Very reasonable rates when I had my two Camry's, and my premiums never went up. But for my Prius, holy cow! The collision coverage alone is $800! And when you add in all the other stuff, I'm up to $1500 per year. I am not 19, I'm an old guy! Something has got to go…
My car insurance with Allstate in Florida went down with my 2016 Prius. I was paying $420 every 6 months for full coverage on my 2008 Chrysler Pacifica. When I switched it over to my new 2016 Prius, it went down $30 to $390 every 6 months. Yes, car insurance in Florida is this cheap if you don't live along the coasts and have a clean driving record . I also get the 55+ elder driver discount but seeing the dangerous elderly drivers around here, they should pay more.
Hope mine goes down. I'm going from a 2013 Rav LTD to a 2017 base with upgrade package Prius. I guess I'll find out on Monday.
Buyout is 16.5...here in SoCal, 2013 Prius 4 go for around 18K on Carmax...and my car has not had 30K service, never new tires, and a fair amount of wear and tear. No way I'm getting 16.5...and I'm not even sure how tax is treated? FWIW, I ended up getting a Outback Limited with Eyesight...zero drive off/360month with 9% CA taxes....36/12. sticker just under 36K.. Yes, the insurance savings will be mostly eaten up by additional gas, but I'm getting a bigger more comfortable car.
I think the Outback is a fine car. I was looking at it earlier this year. It would be nice to have that extra cargo and towing capacity from time to time.
My insurance went up $10 a month going from a 2010 to a 2012. My Nsx is cheaper to insure then my Prius which is crazy.
It's the same over this side of the pond. You really have to shop around for the best insurance deal. The consumer association recommend changing insurance company every year to get their best offers. There has to be something in it.
Just got my insurance renewal notice...about $680 for 6 months. Married 33 year old, no accidents, full coverage with $0 deductible. Steep, but manageable. Edit: Owned, not leased, and about double the insurance cost of our 2008 with the same coverage.
You could check what the savings would be with $500 deductible. Insurance companies charge for the nuisance costs associated with zero deductible. You're paying about the same for 6 months as I pay for a year on my Prius and a 2013 Ford Escape. You might also check prices with competing companies.