2007 Toyota Prius - 200,000 miles I just replaced the rear brakes and drums. There was still about 3/32 left on the pads and the drums were not grooved.
I was wondering why you replaced the brake shoes and drums, given your observation about their condition. 3/32" ~ 2.4 mm so there was around 47% remaining shoe life. What is the condition of the front brake pads?
I didn't do my first brake job on the prius until 230k miles. Crazy, havent even taken a look at the rears yet....
Given that a "normally" driven sedan can get 100k on brakes, I would expect a Hybrid or EV to at least double that.
To add a data point, I did some work on the brakes on my 2007 today. 202k on the original pads/shoes. Front pads had about 20% left so I went ahead and replaced them. Rears had just under 3mm left of the shoe friction material (about 66% left) so I just cleaned everything real good and used the adjuster gear/wheel to get it back to spec. Rears were way out of adjustment and I probably spent more time fixing that than anything else. After fixing the rear adjustment, the parking brake pedal feels much better and the car doesn't move when you put it in drive/reverse with the parking brake on. Rotors and drums had minimal wear and were cleaned and put back in service. I pulled the two ABS relays prior to the work to prevent accidental activation of the brake piston while the pads were out. The blue plastic cover on one of the relays came apart from the relay while I was pulling it out, but I snapped it back on and it appears to have suffered no ill. After replacing/cleaning everything and before turning the car on or replacing the relays, I pumped the brakes a few times to get the pressure up in the system (this sets off a warning buzzer due to relays being out). Then I put the relays back and started it up, no issues at all.