Hi There, I have a 2004 Prius gen 2. Everything runs well thnx God! I have a problem with my MFD as mo0st of times it gives me message " The external system is not connected" and therefore I cant use the features of the MFD. I checked (diagnosed) the 12 V Auxiliary battery and it shows 14.1V which seems to be healthy. Any of you have any idea why cant connect the external system?? Sometimes it works well and I can use the features and even make phone calla and use Navigation system. Thanks in advance!
Sorry I can't help with your communication error, but I will suggest you check the 12V battery in two other modes; 1) system off, 2) IG ON. If everything else is working, it's not likely to be a 12V error, but it's good to keep an eye on the battery. Your 14.1V reading is in "Ready" and it's charging from the hybrid system, which appears to be working.
Thnx for the reply, i will follow up your advice and come back to you. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Push the driver's seat all the way back and then check that the 2 (or 3) plugs on the front of the black box on the floor under the driver's seat have not been accidentally dislodged. It might pay to unplug and then plug each one back in to confirm that they are all connected properly.
i pushed the drivers seat and unplugged all plugs and plugged them back but situation remains the same. anyway thanks for the advise Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Incidentally, was your Prius originally supplied new in your country or imported? If imported, from which country was it imported?
can you confirm please if this battery is the proper one for prius 2004. thnx foto attached Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Today it happened as usuall MFD did work but after 10 km drive everything came on working perfect with all features and didnt stop until i reached the destination. Again when started the trip didnt work MFD but after 10 km everything started working. can this be the battery issue or what could that be??? thnx Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
At first glance probably not. I think the terminals are reversed, for one thing, and the vent hole is not visible.
Finally decided to change the 12V battery and got it with a good price. Varta B33, 45 AH compatible for Prius. the paid proce is 49.50 Euro. Can anyone advise if l should consider something when replacing it? Thnx Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
If you don't have a repair manual, search online for instructions. You have to do some minor disassembly (cooling air duct and electrical modules) to replace the battery. Some fasteners may be hidden. There's also a vent tube for the battery itself. Electrically, it's very easy if the battery is compatible.
today l have personally changed the 12V battery as the old one was showing 9.2 V when vehicle on acc mode. But still even the battery changed i get the message " the external system not connected" means l have innoperative MFD. I thought the battery was the reason. I have put a Varta B33 which also has a vent hole but the hole seems to be smaller so l will install a smaller adapter to adjust the tube. Any ide why l this mesage come up and sometimes on a longer trip everything works well.thnx Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Hi there, recently l have reported about MFD not beeing operative. I have studied a lot from experiences of others and removed MFD and went to a technician who did a resoldering of connectors and finally everything works perfect. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
See the post above yours. You might contact these folks also, as their specialty is the Prius. They carry parts from salvaged vehicles which will cost less if you have to get another MFD. Prius hybrids sales and service Scottsburg Indiana