Redirect To headUnits 1 Update Type - Update Type – Multimedia operating system / Gracenote / Entune App Suite Updates Entune® App Suite with enhanced iHeartRadio and adds the Destination Search and Slacker Radio apps (versions older than 5.1.0). Also updates your multimedia system with the latest improvements to version 5.2.0. If your software version is lower than this number, this update is applicable. Note: Click on the "Installation Instructions" link for steps to execute the software update with a USB flash drive and for information on how to identify your current Software Version, if desired....Hide Vehicle Installation Instructions The update released on: Aug 01 2016 could this be a new update for entune? can someone please verfiy?
I tried this and I could not get the unit to recognize my USB drive. Yes, I tried several different types. If I could do it via internet I could get it done. Since my system works flawlessly, I opted to the saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"