Plug-in electric car sales surge in Nov: Volt soars, Prius Prime arrives (final update) Several Plug-Ins Hit New 2016 Highs, As November EV Sales In US Rise Sharply
A more telling number is what happens in the 3d and 4th months. That usually marks the steady-state sales rate and relative position in the market. Bob Wilson
I never know what the car sales data really means. Is it 781 citizens buying cars? (impressive if so ) or lease companies buying them up.
I actually want to see the Prime, but I'm hearing there will be low supply and high demand so the local dealership is unable to keep one on the floor...this is excitement I haven't heard of since the 2nd gen prius. Way to go Prime!
Frankly, I don't see the point of the metric. The first month isn't a full month of sales, with it unlikely that the differing models had the same number of sales days in that first month. I think the number might say more about the company's logistics and ability to predict where demand was pent up.
Fun to say "781 Toyota Prius Prime", isn't it?. This is impressive first month sale for Prius Prime. We can safely say Prime was definitely not DOA as some had feared. PHEV's may be seeing the boost now from California's extending the green HOV stickers in late September. Prime did so well I may have to re-evaluate my own modest predictions. Not yet but...
When is 'talk like a pirate day?' so we can greet the Toyota car carriers on the high seas: Bob Wilson
Is it or does Toyota expect better? By that I mean Toyota threw $500 on the hood before the cars even landed ashore and now I see via Dianne's threads that they've up it to $1,000.
hard to say. cali is one thing, and most of the rest of the country another. zev credits must come into play, because they could be selling more cars nationwide. i don't know if they can't make them fast enough, or don't want to. and i don't know inventory levels in cali, or days on the lot. perhaps toyota was being cautious with production due to gas prices, but the rebate is baffling.
I'd be suspicious it has to do with CARB credits, but who knows. It's going to be interesting to see if Japan Prime sales do better than PiP did.
They have been throwing $500 at 2017 Prius too. Now that is up to $1000 also. $2000 for any 2016 still around.
the mere fact that Toyota will be selling it in all 50 will make a heck of a difference - presuming they manufacture enough inventory for all 50. .