I think the fit of the standard Prius seats is dependent upon your body shape. My wife has the dimensions of a model and finds the seats to be uncomfortable without a pillow for lumbar support. Unlike my wife, there is nothing exotic about my shape, while the standard seats are fine for me, without a pillow.
I have a question about gas mileage on my '13 base Prius. I purchased this in August from my Toyota dealer. Certified lease car with 20K miles on it. In Aug-Oct, I got 55 mpg on it with mixed driving in the suburbs. I took it into the dealers on Nov 4th for a free tire rotation and maintenance check. When I got it back, my gas mileage dropped to 46 mpg the next few weeks. Big drop! Temperature had dropped about 10 degrees to 50 or so. Car running fine. Checked tire pressures, and they were mid 30s. A bit lower up front. I asked them for 39/37 front/rear. Ride was harder ,but they weren't that high when I measured them. Any problems here? My '08 never dropped this much at this time of year. I'm taking it in Wed to have them check. Thanks for your input.