Who killed the electric car?

Discussion in 'Other Cars' started by darelldd, May 12, 2006.

  1. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marlin @ May 25 2006, 11:23 AM) [snapback]260975[/snapback]</div>
    Is there any chance we could get you to actually spell out your point for those of us who are slow on the uptake?

    Is that that EVs really DO suck, and the auto makers are right in not making them for the betterment of humanity? Is it that all automakers know what's best, and shoud be left to their own devices - telling us that our masculinity is dependent on buying the next, bigger SUV?

    There are many logical reasons that NO automakers are building EVs. Has little to do with this big conspiracy that you keep bringing up. It has everything to do with next quarter's profits. It is the same across the board - American or foreign automakers. That GM was the forerunner in EV technology and COULD have been the forerunner in hybrid technology - and threw it all away to Toyota DOES make the US auto industry look pretty silly. But not because of secret conspiracty. Because of actual, obvious events.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Whitestar @ May 25 2006, 12:07 PM) [snapback]260987[/snapback]</div>
    Don't these people have to eat or pee?! Damn.

    NO... modern batteries can be charged insanely fast until the last few percentage of SOC. Fast charging does no damage to the batters if done correctly, and can actually be much better for the batteries than slow charging. It has been around for 15 years, and is in wide-spread use today. Check with the electric fork-life industry.

    I understand. And never meant to imply that EVs were the perfect choice for everybody. EVs have a place, and those who CAN use them should have the option to use them. Please don't make the misake of thinking that just becaues a solution isn't right for YOUR situation, that it is not right for others. The more EVs that replace gas cars, the better off we would all be. For you, a plug-in hybrid is likely the best answer. But we don't have those, for the same reasons we don't have pure EVs.

    They already are. A modern EV would be chargeable from any outlet. You just supply the extension cord.

    Not that complicated. Would be a perk offered by hotels wishing to draw customers - much like WiFi or free cable TV. Charging an EV costs VERY little. My car typically uses $1 of electricity each night we charge (though I now make mine from the sun, that's what it would cost if I were still buying it from the grid.)

    Hell, their range with extra gas cans was still less than what we can do today with modern batteries.
  2. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Hi Chris -

    Though this thread was supposed to be about the new movie, these things always turn into a debate on the merits of EVs.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Busbodger @ May 25 2006, 11:25 AM) [snapback]260976[/snapback]</div>
    This was never an issue. EVs never got that far to require a warranty beyond any new gas car. The requirement was to only have them on the road for three years, so this was moot. If you've seen this as a reason not to have EVs, then you've been mislead. The cars HAVE been leased/sold, and there is no such warranty in place. And just for an extra data point, the batteries so far HAVE lasted well over 150k miles and 12 years and running (in the case of the Rav4EV with 10-year-old battery technology).

    No. If you're interested in these answers, please read some of the FAQ entries on my site (in my sig). The fun fact I like to bring up is that an average (25mpg) gas car uses as much electricity as an EV. Trade a gas car for an EV and you use no more electricity, and a hell of a lot less gasoline. Surprised? So are most people. The oil industry is the single biggest consumer of electricity in the country. Your gas car is already an electric car!

    Nope again. I spent $11k on my system which covers my home and 12,000 miles/year on our EV.

    Uh. Not even close. The Rav draws 6kW, which is a realtively slow charge. Faster charging would require more power, of course.

    Now you're humming my tune!

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ShellyT @ May 25 2006, 02:15 PM) [snapback]261058[/snapback]</div>
    Ah yes. That's rich. By the same logic, there was never any market for EVs either. Just ask GM and Toyota. They both claim "lack of market interest" for the reason to discontinue the product. Neither will mention that they had HUGE waiting lists when the programs were terminated. GM had more people on the waiting list (I'm still one of them!) than the number of cars they ever made. Toyota has never disclosed the number of wait-listed customers who were left hanging when the program was terminated with not even a day of warning. The Toyota program was intended to last two years, but they sold out of every vehicle they made in under eight months. But still, the stated reason for program termination was that there was no market, of course.

    So yes, I'm sure Ford's extensive polling showed that people would not be willing to pay extra for safety. My guess is that it would depend quite a lot on how the question was proposed. If people aren't willing to spend extra for safety, why is it that I hear so often that people buy SUVs because they don't feel safe in compact cars?
  3. Marlin

    Marlin New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Bucks County, PA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ May 25 2006, 10:44 PM) [snapback]261154[/snapback]</div>
    The point is all the hypocrisy. The point is contempt for all the scapegoating.

    I get it. You guys love Toyota. They're you're hometown football team. Therefore all the other teams, such as the US automakers are the arch enemy. Toyota can do no wrong, and GM can do no right.

    Add that to the inherent need to assign blame these days to someone, anyone, and you get: "Why don't we have electric vehicles today? It's the greedy US automakers' fault!!! Its the oil companies' fault!!! Its Bush's fault!!!"

    "Toyota is very progressive and cares about the world" "US automakers are lazy, greedy pigs that care only about lining their pockets" "GM is still making under 20 mpg SUVs. When will they get it?" "Toyota just came out with a new sub-20 mpg SUV. What a cool car!" "GM canceled their EVs. What stupid greedy pigs they are!" "Toyota canceled their EVs. <silence...> What a cool car the FJ Cruiser is!"

    Blaming GM for the lack of EV cars is narrow minded. Unless GM pulls the strings of all the governments and automakers in the world, then how can they be solely to blame for the lack of EVs in the world? Many other first world governments, particularly in Europe are much more "progressive" than the US. They have no qualms about government regulation. Their citizens pay much more than we do for fuel. And you know as much as I do that if EV vehicles were plentiful in Europe and Asia, then they would find their way to the US. Seems to me that it's a little more complex then it's all GM's fault or it's all the oil companies' fault.

    And that's what I've been talking about all along. It is the presumption of the movie that the finger of blame can be pointed at a couple of US entities, while ignoring the rest of the industrialized world that has been my point. That's why I have been consistently asking why, if it's all GM's fault, does the rest of the world not have EV cars?
  4. tripp

    tripp Which it's a 'ybrid, ain't it?

    Oct 23, 2005
    Denver, CO
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marlin @ May 26 2006, 07:14 AM) [snapback]261268[/snapback]</div>
    Agreed. The same could be said of Canada. Looks like they're ready to back out of Kyoto because they're making too much money with their oil sands. <_< Nevermind the fact that oil sand production is one of the main reasons why Canada's GHG emissions are going through the roof. The rate of change of their emissions is much greater than that of the US.
  5. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Well, thanks for responding at least.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marlin @ May 26 2006, 06:14 AM) [snapback]261268[/snapback]</div>
    So I can safely assume that you aren't reading what I've written then? You seem desperate to pick a fight where I have none to give. I'm being painted with the same broad brush as *everybody* who is upset about the demise of the production EV? Surprisingly, we don't all think the same way.

    Have I not said this many times - several times in these movie threads alone? Again, I wonder if you read my posts. Of course it is more complex. It is also more complex than saying it can't be GM's fault because no other company is making EVs.

    Let's see. At some point (this thread or the sister one?) I mentioned how this all works, and why what is done in the US, and specifically in CA IS very important to the global automobile market. There is a difference between destroying the EV program in the country with the largest automobile market, and simply not developing one in other countries. I can safely assume that you haven't seen the movie, and you're basing your comments in the trailer?

    Have I ever written that it is all GM's fault? What are you reading? There is no question that GM is responsible for terminating their own program AND spending huge money to assure that there is no ZEV requirement in the biggest automobile market in the world. The big question is, "why?" Why did GM do this if no other complanies were going to build the cars anyway? GM has lied about the reasons that the EV program was cancelled. These are the things that GM is being faulted for. And of these facts there is no question. Ask GM - they're proud of it, and admit their role freely. You can stick up for GM on this all you want if it makes you feel better - yet it doesn't change the fact that they truly ARE the most responsible for killing the EV program in the USA. If they had valid reasons that drivers would agree with for terminating the program, why are they not telling us? And apparently you've missed the part where the rest of the world DOES have EVs... and there are big plans for bringing many more to market in the coming years? There are no such vehicles or plans in the US. Call me selfish, but at this point I'm most concerned with having EVs available in the US. And regardless of what happens elsewhere, it isn't happening here.

    I can now more clearly see what you WANT to be hearing... but it isn't being said. At least not by me.
  6. Wiyosaya

    Wiyosaya Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    2024 Prius Prime
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ May 25 2006, 10:44 PM) [snapback]261154[/snapback]</div>
    Agreed. It certainly is not the first time someone in US industry blew an opportunity.

    Though I should, perhaps, restate this in the next "quote" section, I'll do it here. In the early 1900s we did have electric cars. They were killed then because they were more expensive than gasoline powered vehicles, not to mention that they must have had significant technological problems in those days.

    However, if the industry had decided to keep researching them, we'd likely have "reasonable" electric cars now.
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marlin @ May 26 2006, 09:14 AM) [snapback]261268[/snapback]</div>
    Correct. GM can do no right in my eyes, and that is why I'm choosing to buy Toyota rather than waste my money on products that have proven over time to be unreliable. I don't have all kinds of time to be running back and forth to the shop with my primary transportation because I made a stupid choice to buy something unreliable. You are certainly welcome to your own opinion. BTW - The fact that the repair history of the Prius is one of the best in the industry is a primary factor that I took into my decision to get one.

    You may be surprised at the fact that there are at least some people that think that having to frequently take your primary transportation for repairs is normal. Check out the '95 car buying issue of Consumer Reports for more detail on that. You may be even more surprised that people buy cars that have poor repair histories because those cars are "status" symbols. Take the Mini for instance.

    If I were not buying a Prius, I would only consider Toyota or Honda anyway. Why? Again because of their reputation for quality and because of the lack of a reputation for quality on the part of many other car manufacturers.
    Bush is part of the problem. It is known fact that one of the first things that Bush did when he got into office is cancel all kinds of alternative energy research programs in favor of fuel cell research. Experts who make a profession of fuel cells state that the technology is almost certainly far from being marketable. So why, then, does did Bush push an immature technology? If you want a conspiracy theory in answer to that question, have a look at this-
    I just love it when people put words in my mouth. It keeps me from having to expend the energy to say anything. :lol:

    Sorry, I'm not a fan of gas guzzling SUVs. I do not need one, and I realize that having one is not going to make me more masculine. Damn! :lol:

    If I had a use for an SUV, I'd shop Toyota or Honda. Why? Again, one word, quality.
    Given their track record in the US for pulling the strings of the US government, you can bet that anywhere in the world where GM has an established market, they employ lobbiests to pull the strings of the corresponding government. Like it or not (or should I say whether you want to recognize it or not), it is the way GM does business.
    We could start a debate on this, too. ;)
    I doubt that. I'm much more willing to bet that anywhere there is government, there is always someone who does not agree with it. It is human nature to have a different opinion.
    No, it is not. Perhaps this is what it sounds like I'm saying. YES, I DO point the finger at certain companies, however, I do that because of their track record. As darelldd stated, every technological innovation was going to drive automakers, particularly US automakers (based on their own public comments), into bankruptcy. However, they are still around, aren't they, at least for the time being. :lol:

    Still, though, I wouldn't take a vehicle from many European automakers even if you gave one to me. Why? Again, that one word - quality. The reputation for quality from many European automakers is even worse than that of US automakers.
    Have you seen the movie, yet? It sure sounds like you have. So, tell me, based on what sounds like a fact of your having seen the movie, how was it?

    Oh, I forgot. The movie has not been released to the general public yet. :blink: :rolleyes:
    See my answer above. I'll paraphrase it for you. The greedy auto industry gave up on them years ago so that they could line their pockets with money and help trash the planet.
  7. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    At the risk of going wildly on-topic... here is a list of the theaters where "Who Killed the Electric Car?" will show initially:

    As before, it helps a lot of people call theaters and request that it be shown.

    June 28

    New York:
    - Angelika

    Los Angeles:
    - Arclight,
    - NuWilshire,
    - AMC Ontario,

    June 30

    - Regal Edwards South Coast (Costa Mesa)
    - Laemmle Pasadena
    - Laemmle Town Center (Encino)

    July 7

    - Pipers
    - Renaissance
    - CineArts Evanston
  8. Marlin

    Marlin New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Bucks County, PA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wiyosaya @ May 26 2006, 01:45 PM) [snapback]261381[/snapback]</div>
    You think you got me on that one don't you...

    No I haven't seen the unreleased movie. But I did visit it's web site that was posted on the other PriusChat topic about this movie. That web site contains a very nice Flash presentation that very clearly spells out the premise and the conculsions of the movie. And it's almost solely about GM, DiamlerChrysler, the American Automobile Manufactures Association, the California Air Resources Board, the ZEV Mandate, and the Oil Companies (Exxon specifically mentioned).


    All right. Let's accept the premise that GM, Exxon, et. al. killed electric vehicles in the US and they did it because they were lazy, greedy, stupid, or whatever. My question is that if EV cars made so much sense back in the 90's that if not for the malicious acts of GM, Exxon, et. al., EV cars would have thrived, then how come the rest of the world isn't awash with EV cars, and how come we aren't the only industrialized contry still driving fossil fuel powered cars?
  9. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marlin @ May 26 2006, 12:52 PM) [snapback]261447[/snapback]</div>
    You missed a big one: Consumers. Oh, and don't forget - just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
    How many more times would you like this answered? Hint: It is a global issue, not solely an American one. The biggest market is here, and this is where policy is typically set. Electric cars ARE being made in other contries - India, for example, has some awesome electrics that we've been trying to import for several years now. Electric cars ARE being designed and built in other countries. That is not happening in America. Answer me this: If car companies say they can't make a business out of EVs, why and how do they plan to make a business out of Fuel Cell Vehicles that they so often, and so loudly claim? Honda says it. Toyota says it. GM says it. Ford says it. Auto makers want to build cars that are best for their business in the short term. What is currently best for the auto industry is not likely what is best for consumers in the long run. This is REGARDLESS of country. REGARDLESS of country. REGARDLESS of country. NOT JUST GM. NOT JUST GM.

    Why did you ever buy a hybrid? Just two short years ago, GM laughed at Toyota, saying they were losing money, and that GM would not make hybrids because that isn't what the American drivers wanted. GM had to look after their shareholders, after all! Why didn't you buy a GM hybrid? It turns out that just because a company (or entire industry) doesn't build something - that alone doesn't mean it isn't desired or needed, or "viable." It just means that there are compelling reasons not to do it. REGARDLESS OF COUNTRY. NOT JUST GM.

    But just for grins, let's go back to GM since they are such a big target, and they've been quite vocal about their anti EV and anti hybrid (until lately, that is!) feelings. Why... one has to wonder... is GM now going to buy gasoline for the customers of their biggest gas hogs? Is this because their line of cars are run-away hot sellers? Are they not making the cars that we Americans so desperately want to buy?

    Anything get through this time?
  10. Tudds

    Tudds New Member

    Jun 10, 2006
    I LOVEEE THE EV1! Another thing that GM was just too ahead of its time. They will be collector cars guaranteed since GM leased most of them as company cars and crushed them when they were returned
  11. toyotablackbox

    toyotablackbox New Member

    May 24, 2006
    Boise, ID
    2011 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marlin @ May 26 2006, 07:14 AM) [snapback]261268[/snapback]</div>

    Does Nemo work for GM or something? I just don't see how anybody could argue with darelldd of all people. I don't like the FJ cruiser, Tundra, Landcruiser, or many of the new American and Japanese built Toyota models, and I take offense at the assumption that I (as a priuschat member) am completely diehard loyal to Toyota or to foreign auto makers. That is the kind of close mindedness that pollutes society. Foreign auto makers just happen to be producing the best right now, which couldn't be said 50 years ago. I imagine I will be driving a Chinese made car in another 25 years the way things are going now. I drive a Prius because it is the most efficient car that I can afford as a college student and it has unmatched quality and reliability and was top rated by consumer reports. I do not approve of any automaker's destruction of their EVs and abandonment of the technology but I can understand why they did it. Most Americans are very here and now in their buying tastes and go from Ford Excursions(why hold only 5 when you can take 20?) to Hummer Bling Bling whaddup to "That thing got a hemi?" in recent years. Thats what was cool, thats what everyone wanted. Now gas prices are up and its "Live green go yellow" bullsh!t from GM trying to make their Gas guzzlers that they spent millions developing to the hummer "bling bling craze" that died out months ago appeal to the American public now wanting good fuel economy. I know it takes lots of money and time to develop new cars, new ideas, and people don't like to change but they will at a whims notice with high gas prices or a change of mindset in the modern media. Thats the way America works from a business perspective and until we are all fried by the sun and the atmosphere is gone, snowcaps melted, out of oil or whatever, people will buy what is cool not what is smart. EVs are smart but until now have not been cool to the American public. I can only hope that the future will bring back the EVs for long enough for me to get one before they kill them again.

    Back to the original post!!! (sorry for sidetracks)
    I called my local indie theater and told them about the film. They seemed very interested and I hope they can get it. I can't wait to see it, and I may do a Prius roadtrip to see it sooner! Thanks Darelldd!
  12. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(toyotablackbox @ Jun 10 2006, 09:58 AM) [snapback]269203[/snapback]</div>
    Thanks for the great post, ToyotaBB!

    There is currently a special being aired on the show "NOW" on PBS that covers the movie and features an interview with the director. Was first on last night, but will re-run several more times.

    You can watch the video online at that page.
    (Click on Watch the Video, requires Realplayer. Click on "Large" if you are on broadband.)
  13. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    I posted about this movie on another forum. It is a great film and will certainly make you angry, not only at the obvious culprits like GM, but the smarmy politicos who are in bed with big oil and autos. I expect there will be yet another serious dis-information campaign by GM and Exxon to dispute facts presented in this film, and the viciousness of those attacks will be a direct validation of how right-on the movie is. It is sometimes disgusting to live in a country where the government is virtually indistinguishable from the wealthiest and sleaziest corporations.

    I hope you all get a chance to see it!

  14. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    Washington Post on the EV1 and Who Killed the Electric Car. Click

    "Treehugger" interview with my friend Paul Scott. click.
  15. darell, I think you have the most correct answer.

    As a follow on, i think so people fear change. I know people that look at the prius and find nothing good to say. the FIRST day i had my prius, i had some guy ask me if my car was running, and when he saw it was a hybrid (it says it on the side), he said, that i needed to take that back to the dealer and get something else.

    I say give it time. I believe people will realize the electric car and hybrid car will soon be a smart choice, most of my friends have gotten a hybrid (the new camry isn't as fuel efficent but has some power i don't) , or are planning to make it their next car.

    its also the attitude people have, or atleast the people around here.
  16. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TheParadox @ Jun 16 2006, 04:34 PM) [snapback]272475[/snapback]</div>
    I think *most* people fear change. There is great comfort in the status quo.

    It does sadden me to see how much energy can be spent on trying to discredit a new technology for no other reason than it is "different." Folks LOVE to point out all the negatives of EVs, and say they wouldn't buy one until it is proven that they'll all be run on "green" power. What the hell? In the meantime they'll just happily burn gasoline until the other cars are miraculously perfected?
  17. wstander

    wstander New Member

    Jul 16, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ Jun 16 2006, 04:44 PM) [snapback]272480[/snapback]</div>

    Ehh, according to this:


    GM had no choice but to kill the EV1 due to its lack of safety compliance in the 'out-years'.
  18. NuShrike

    NuShrike Active Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    2005 Prius
  19. darelldd

    darelldd Prius is our Gas Guzzler

    Jan 17, 2006
    Northern CA
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wstander @ Jun 16 2006, 04:56 PM) [snapback]272484[/snapback]</div>
    Erhh, when was the last time you read that information at the link you provided? The incorrect information was removed a short while ago. You don't believe everything you read do you? There were ZERO safety issues, and nobody knows where this incorrect rumor started. Show me where these safety wavers ever existed, and we'll talk. They didn't, and everybody knows it. This information seems to have leaked over from the Ford THINK program, somehow. Those had safety waivers and could not be sold in this country legally. NO SUCH thing for the EV1.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(NuShrike @ Jun 16 2006, 08:03 PM) [snapback]272551[/snapback]</div>
    That's what the Washington Post link was about. This is by no means the "last EV1" there are several of them scattered about the nation in museums. There is one just 15 miles from my house, and several at schools. Mine, however has been crushed.
  20. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    &quot;Somewhere in Flyover Country&quot;
    Other Non-Hybrid
    So GM killed the electric car? Did they secretly black-mail Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, BMW, Volkswagen, Honda, Daimler among others not to build EV cars?
    Really surprising a movie from Sony would attack GM and not Toyota isn't it?
    Some of you guys will just never get it. And to the poster with the comment about "the way things are going today in 25 years I will be driving a Chinese-made car", if things continue the way they are going today(rate of savings, trade-deficit, government deficits, rate of government growth, rate of tax increase) you and most Americans won't be able to afford a car.