This just in from Toyota: Prius sales were down 26.8% in November 2016 compared to November 2015. Here's the article: Toyota Motor Sales Reports November 2016 Sales
That could explain the LB but not the huge drop in v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon. Only 2010 used uppercase Roman numerals for model designation) (-40%) and c (-50%) sales.
The v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon. Only 2010 used uppercase Roman numerals for model designation) & c are older designs. Perhaps people are waiting for the TNGA versions, if they are produced.
Perhaps. Or does that reason mainly pertain to folks like us (forum members) who pay closer attention to such things? Personally, I'm leaning towards a mix of low gas prices and styling (in that order) keeping the "joe sixpack" buyers away.
I really wanted the v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon. Only 2010 used uppercase Roman numerals for model designation) and I was willing to wait for the 2017 model year IF they would bring the new tech on board. They didn't, so I got the Gen 4 instead. The v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon. Only 2010 used uppercase Roman numerals for model designation) has a giant bumper car nose and the interior design is antiquated. I wasn't going to spend that kind of money on that car and keep it for ten years. Plus, it didn't have all the safety features I wanted. Toyota sort of shot themselves in the foot over this decision.
I wish more people would get busy buying the new ones and trading in their old ones because I'm still looking for one more good used Prius 4 or 5! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I just noticed a great feature of the site when talking about the V. I like the V. I wanted a V. The V was the right size but the V didn't have the right tech for the right time. The V should have been redesigned with the features we all want no. Sadly the V doesn't have them so the V will be relegated to the dustbin. The V is a dead horse. Let us beat the V. I can't resist... one more time: Prius V
The Prius v fits its place as a good hybrid station wagon. My son really enjoys his v because it has more cargo room than his old Prius.
The main reason is probably the new car doesn't look all that great. The current owners are not giving up the old ones.
I thought the consensus was that current owners were not the target market. Low fuel prices hurt their effort toward their new user target.
Tesla not having issues with low oil prices. Anyone that wants a prius, has one. It's the same user base. The car is just not good looking enough for the old gen prius owners to upgrade out of their cars
Many (most?) people thought the 2005 Prius was ugly too. those are Toyota's target market for Gen 4, much larger than current Prius owners, IMHO.
After 400,000 miles at twice the mileage of my previous I've learned to love my Gen 2 prius now every mile I drive it is Free, well nearly, gas tires and oil. I'm watching the Prius Prime and the Prius V postings though iPhone ?
Yes, but you're not considering the 'poser power' and sporty performance of the Tesla, which the Prius is not attempting to replicate.
Well, the "let's change a user's post to insert the correct language" filter didn't work on my V post. I think I'm the only person in the world that thinks the new body style on the gen 4 is a nice change. It helped convince me that I wanted a Prius. That's how the world turns. If I like it, others don't. Se la vi.