Hi Sadly today is the worst day.I broke my phone screen then after and hour I hit curb with my driver side tire.my tire is completely flat and the plastic guard came out.Since these tire are new can I just replace one tire or I have to replace both the tire even if they are new.Can you recommend best all weather tire for Prius.where do I buy the black splash guard ? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
If the tires are brand new you should be able to replace just the one. If you are referring to mud guards check Amazon for a set of 4 from a Toyota dealer selling at a discount. If you just need the one you can try Ebay. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks guys replaced just one tire brand nexen 671 .I think I can still use the mudgaurd also but I am missing the plastic screw that holds the guard.do u know where I can just buy the screws. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.