al-Zarqawi Terminated!

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Wildkow, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. dbermanmd

    dbermanmd New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Jun 9 2006, 11:16 AM) [snapback]268589[/snapback]</div>
    Here is another conundrum for the jumpin jihad jack murtha libs - if we did capture zarqawi alive - would they have been in favor of torturing him to extract what must have been a treasure trove of info that would have probably saved many lives??
  2. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Jun 9 2006, 08:16 AM) [snapback]268589[/snapback]</div>
    More of the hypocrisy equation:

    The ardent leftists say killing Zarqawi will bolster their cause because he will become a martyr, we can never win, us killing our enemies is proof of how horrible of a people we Americans are, and that their cause is righteous.

    When radical Islamics kill Americans, ardent leftists proclaim that as proof of how horrible of a people we Americans are because they want to kill us, and that we should get out of Iraq because we can never win and we are evil.

    When we kill them, it only makes them stronger.
    When they kill us, it only makes us weaker.

    They say killing them won't change a thing – it won't make them rethink what they are doing.
    Yet, every time an American is killed, it is an ardent leftist's call to action . . . that everything on our part must change - that we must stop killing - that we must change our way of thinking - that we are alway the ones in the wrong.

    Ardent leftists say it is wrong and immoral for us to enter or bomb a mosque, even if fired upon from inside the mosque.
    Yet, Islamics terrorists enter and defile the sanctity those same mosques. They kill the worshipers, destroy mosques with bombs, and militarize them by using them as a base of operation. More proof of how horrible Americans are I suppose. :rolleyes:

    So why is it that when Zarqawi was killed, the Iraqi government celebrated? What do the ardent leftist have to say about that? :p
    Of course the conspiracy theorists will say, “because just off camera were American soldiers with M16s.†:rolleyes:
  3. jmccord

    jmccord New Member

    Nov 11, 2005
    San Diego, CA, Earth
    Am I the only one who suspects a deliberate act by a martyr?

    Ok, so Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a thug- granted, and now the U.S. military has succeeded in killing him. OOrah. However, President Bush has already said his death is not likely to end the bloodshed. How do we know? Well for one thing, the United States taxpayers are paying al-Qaeda insiders a $25,000,000 reward for the "tips" leading to his assassination. That's right. As reported in the media, "Tips from within al-Zarqawi's own terror network†helped the U.S. locate and kill al-Zarqawi. Perhaps, knowing his days were numbered, al-Zarqawi simply planned his death to capitalize on the U.S. reward. :unsure:

    So let's see…U.S. taxpayers are out twenty five million dollars, al-Qaeda's war chest is now full, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi dies a martyr, and a plethora of well-funded insurgents rise to carry on his terrorist acts. Are we simply playing into al-Qaeda’s hands once again? When will we learn that military might without equitable global polcies will never win the "war on terror"?
  4. dbermanmd

    dbermanmd New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jmccord @ Jun 9 2006, 01:35 PM) [snapback]268682[/snapback]</div>

    Lets start with the last sentance first. "equitable global policies" - is this a euphamism for allowing 3,000 innocent Americans to be murdered without acting to avenge their deaths or perhaps prevent additional Americans from meeting the same end? Does that mean we allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons? Equitable global policies? Boy if that does not sound like some kumbaya based way for apologizing for being a worlds superpower - and a benevolent one to boot. And I believe for the 8 years encompassing the clinton administration we were in your opinion while we were behaiving with "equitable global policies" - then why did innocent American civilians die like the WTC bombing in 1993, the Embassy bombings, the Kobar Towers bombing, the USS Cole - and then 9 months after clinton left office 9/11 -- how could we have not practice "equitable global policies" that badly in 9 months to justify 9/11??

    "playing into al qaeda's hands again" - like the clinton administration by letting them plot and plan and grow strong as they killed innocent people including American's? My preference is that their hands should resemble Zarqawi's hands - and that is be at room temperature so they cant slit any more innocent peoples throats.

    "al-zarqawi dies a martyr" - good. wish he died a martyr before he killed Berg, Pearl, Johnson by slitting their throats or killed or planned the deaths of thousands of others. Too bad he did not assume the "martyr" status you give him EARLIER in his career. BTW - what was he doing in Iraq in 2002 (notice where and when and try not getting a headache) involved with Ricen production?

    "US taxpayers out $25,000,000.00" - if that were true - GOOD. Some of the best 25 mil we spent to date. Facts are we are not paying out that 25 mil because the guy who dropped the dime is a prisoner in a Jordanian jail where they probably TORTURED his pitiful carcus until he talked - or he talked before they were able to do so. Thank GOD the Jordanians had him and not the US where our jumpim jihad jack murtha libs would have granted him US Constitutional rights and assigned him some lib ACLU lawyer and Zarqawi would still be 98.6 degrees. And if al-qaeda did get the 25mil - how would they bank it now that every bank transaction is monitored - and how would they move it about. And how are they going to spend it - on what - cell phones -- well that is only if they are in the US where they can go about using them without fear - kind of ironic ain't it?

    "am I the only one who suspects a deliberate act by a martyr?" - to the best of my knowledge - YES. Answer me this - why was he in a safe house with others if knew he was going to die? Why didn't he choose a bette photo op for his as you would want to think - heroic death fighting the American infidels -. And "deliberate acts" usually involve being awake - he died in bed sleeping. I also dont know too many higher ups in the Terror Organizations that die for the cause - quick, name one. Besides you there could some others that share your thoughts like Hillary, jumpin jihad jack murtha, Kucinich - looks like good company you are keeping. Either way whatever you think - he is still DEAD. Would you prefer him being alive??

    Best of luck looking for consiracy theories here too. I am sure you know he survived the bombing and died on a stretcher while US Special Forces were actually trying to help save him - or do think they let him die on purpose - or they slit his throat - or tortured him????
  5. SteveS

    SteveS New Member

    Sep 2, 2005
    Upper Bucks County, PA
    2006 Prius
    <edited: I'm not even going to get started, lest I be flamed for being a terrorist lover or an ardent leftist because I don't think that our country's descent into fascism is something to be proud of.>
  6. dbermanmd

    dbermanmd New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SteveS @ Jun 9 2006, 02:58 PM) [snapback]268726[/snapback]</div>
    "Yeah, congratulations to us, we just made a martyr and about 5000000 more terrorists."

    Why didn't you add a few more "0's" to your # above? And you are assuming there were no terrorists prior to 2003? And you are assuming those that killed innocent American civilians in 1993 at the WTC, and the Embassy bombings, and Kobar Towers and the USS Cole were what - plain jane muslims?

    Right, we made all the terrorists by invading Iraq in 2003 - obviously because Afghanistan was the "right" war to fight we did not make any there either. And what about the terrorists that existed and killed in prior 50 years like Islamic jihad? and al-qaeda was born in 2003??? Rumor has it clinton watched al-qaeda grow strong in afghanistan during his watch - his own admission - why did he fire that cruise missile at OBL then??

    If we play our cards right there will be a significant shortage of virgins whereever they send dead islamofascists. and if you want a good taste of fascism why dont you move to North Korea or Iran - hope you're an atheist or a Muslim because you find too many Church's or Synagogue's there.

    Our countries descent into fascism?? Wow. You know, this fascist country has transportation facilities that you can take advantage of and move elsewhere - or just drive north till you hit snow. What Civil Rights have you lost in the last 6 years - name ONE?

    I dont think you are a terrorist lover - honestly. I just think you are an enabler of their efforts - and there is a difference there.
  7. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SteveS @ Jun 9 2006, 02:58 PM) [snapback]268726[/snapback]</div>
    Well, if it's of any consolation, feel free to flame the ardent righties... least we won't put you on IGNORE because we don't like what you're saying!

    So C'mon, JUMP IN THE PIT!!


    Yeah, keep 'em coming until we get them all.

  8. jmccord

    jmccord New Member

    Nov 11, 2005
    San Diego, CA, Earth
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jun 9 2006, 01:21 PM) [snapback]268707[/snapback]</div>
    No, I did not mean a euphanism for ignoring the deaths of innocent Americans. On the contrary, I want to prevent innocent deaths.
    I just don't buy the Bush administration rhetoric that terrorists commit terrorist acts simply because they "hate freedom, women and children". The real underlying beliefs and political motives rarely get media attention. There are two sides to every conflict, and so long as millions of people find our foreign policy unfair and one-sided, we will never be safe. Trying to make our country terrorist-proof is absurd, and a tremendous waste of resources that could be better spent providing real security improvements through universal healthcare, better education, and technological innovation.
    I love America and support our troops, but I do NOT support the neoconservative policies and agenda of this administration.
    Peace out!
  9. dbermanmd

    dbermanmd New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jmccord @ Jun 9 2006, 03:46 PM) [snapback]268775[/snapback]</div>
    What should have been done to prevent 9/11????

    And they do hate women - do you see how they treat them. If your idea of liking women involves not letting them show skin, not vote, not get educated, being stoned to death for various things, honor killings, not driving? And they dont hate freedom - tell me how many freedoms they had under the Taliban and under Saddam please.

    And if you were President, what would you do to make everyone like our foreign policies - and make them less one sided??

    And universal heathcare is cute but does not prevent 9/11's.

    If you dont support the mission - you do NOT support the troops.
  10. jaybee

    jaybee Junior Member

    Feb 20, 2005
    Atlanta, GA
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Jun 9 2006, 04:05 PM) [snapback]268800[/snapback]</div>
    How about not agreeing with the mission? I don't want it to fail nor do I wish any harm to come to our troops but what if I don't think the mission was one we should have undertaken. Just wondering.
  11. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006

    "If you don't support the mission, you do NOT support the troops" is a meaningless (largely because the word "support" is so vague as to be potentially misleading) rhetorical device that cannot withstand rational scrutiny. It's meant to shame you into at least acquiescing in accepting without complaint anything Bush does (or doesn't do) in Iraq.

    To illustrate the logical fallacy by way of analogy, substitute "immediately extinguish all forest fires" as the mission and "firefighters" as the troops. Everyone knows there is honest, well-intentioned disagreement on whether at least some forest fires should be allowed to burn, usually in a "controlled burn" but even uncontrolled, depending on location and circumstances. If you happen to support selected controlled and/or uncontrolled burns instead of the goal of putting out all fires immediately, does that mean you are not "supporting" the firefighters?

    Intentionally, this analogy is closer to the actuality of the war in Iraq than it may at first appear.

    ALL of us are patriotic Americans insofar as, through our payment of taxes, we:

    1. pay our troops;
    2. equip them;
    3. feed them;
    4. provide them first-class and unlimited medical care;
    5. provide some entertainment for them;
    6. provide transportation and other ancillary services for them;
    7. pay for related, but more indirect support services, such as propaganda on their behalf, or diplomatic efforts

    I could go on, but you get my point. You and I pay for EVERYTHING related to the presence of our troops in Iraq. We aren't there trying to physically interfere with military operations, nor are we trying to enlist anyone else to. We aren't sabotaging their equipment or anything related to their various support systems.

    Did any Federal official ASK you if you choose to lend your 100% support in the Iraq adventure? I thought so.

    So NEVER allow any unprincipled, ignorant "super-patriot" to impugn your patriotism if you THINK this is a mistaken undertaking, and SAY SO to others, and perhaps even "say so" by attending a demonstration against the effort. Everyone already knows you and I support our troops 100%. The main thing we haven't done, in fact, is to volunteer to go to Iraq ourselves and fight alongside our troops, or provide some kind of logistical or other tangible support. This is as true of every Bush-admiring conservative on this board as it is of you and me.
  12. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ghostofjk @ Jun 9 2006, 05:41 PM) [snapback]268942[/snapback]</div>
    Funny, I never see protesters interfering with US Forest Service recruitment on high school or college campuses. :eek:
    Is that just another example of “SUPPORT” OUR TROOPS? :huh:

    You must admit, these same anti-military types are also some of those who fervently demonstrate against the war . . . any war . . wherever . . . whenever.
    Yes, they “support” the troops. They support locking them up in their barracks and throwing away the key.

    I can tell you first hand – in a time of war, that type of demonstrating has a demoralizing affect on our troops.

    Those who say they “support” our troops can individually place themselves into two distinct groups by answering the following question:

    Have you ever, or would you ever consider making a donation to the USO? If not, why?
  13. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Jun 10 2006, 07:15 PM) [snapback]269312[/snapback]</div>
    I PROUDLY support our troops. I give to the USO. I supported and encouraged my son to join the Marines. Even though I fear for his safety, when I speak to him I talk to him positively about his service and his mission in Iraq. I encourage him to go career. If he wants out, I encourage him to join some type of public afety organization.

    I KNOW that public safety organizations AND the military, while they do not always succeed, WANT ot help people and protect the vulnerable.

    Those of you who have never done that, and CLAIM to be supportive of (insert your favorite miliary service or law enforcement service here)...well, actions speak louder than words.