I have recently acquired a used 2013 Prius III and I am overjoyed with its performance.Only one key fob was provided in the deal. Where can I purchase an additional key fob (with key) at a price less than that exorbitantl charged by a dealer? I have seen a few on the Bay and my dealer has stated that the cheap ones from China will not work. Thanks and Happy motoring.
congrats and welcome! you can buy a new one on ebay and program it i think. there are some good threads here on what to buy and how to do it. all the best!
do it asap because dealer coud only program a new FOB if they have one in working condition if you lost or broke the one you have you are in big big spending and trouble
I'm also looking for a definite answer to if I can buy and program a fob myself for a 2013. There seems to be conflicting information on the forum. I also wonder if anyone has used a locksmith over the dealer.
Where in upstate New York are you located? I have programmed a “virgin” Gen3 key with Techstream . There are some members here in upstate New York that might be willing to assist.