Hi all, We're looking to have children in the near future, and were just thinking that the Prius trunk looks fairly small for a good sturdy baby pram. Does anyone have young children and can tell me what it's like trying to fit a stroller in the trunk? Thanks
Yep fits just fine. Matter a fact you can fit the the kid wagon (Step123 ?) and the mini-trailer in the back. That is what I use now that the kiddo is 3. You can also put the stroller in the back seat with the kid.
Pollocks, I was able to fit an entire home gym from Costco. The guy that helped me load it into my car was amazed, and so was I. I could never have done that, were it not for the folding seats and the hatchback. So yeah, I don't think a stroller will be a problem.
It will fit a wheelchair too, without folding the rear seat. You could fold down half of the rear seat.
At any given time, we can comfortably seat 2 adults up front and one in the rear, the toddler in the toddler seat next to rear passenger, 1 full stroller in the back hatch and 2 suitcase. All this without folding down the seats. It is NOT a tight squeeze by any means. It is not as small as you picture it to be....or the stroller is not as big as you picture it to be! The Prius is actually a medium size car to us. How do you think those families with the Corolla, Mini, Focus, and Cavaliers do it?
Yes they do if you mean the kind that look like a horizontal window shade. Also the floor in the hatch area has a storage area under it. By removing the lid to the storage area, even larger objects can be carried in the hatch area. I do it all the time.
Have you shopped for a stroller yet? If not, you'll be amazed when the salesperson shows you how compactly they will fold. We had one of those green and plaid Graco models which looked huge. A press of a button, a twist of the wrist, and the thing folds up to like 10" high. You shouldn't have any problems fitting a stroller into the back of a Prius.
Yep. I have people get 3 car seats in the back seat also. I managed to get one of those 123 step wagons and trailer in the trunk also. You will be amazed at what you can cram into this car. That was the one reasoon we got it. It had more space than all sedans and almost as much space as some of the small SUVs. Putting stuff in our Honda Civic was always such a PIA.
I bought the 2005 instead of a classic because I needed to carry 4 adults and a wheelchair and a walker. The car handles this plus a bit of other luggage just fine, plus an additional passenger. I have no idea how much capacity the car has with the seats all folded down because I have yet to find anything I can't carry if packed well, including 2 bicycles and 3 passengers, another bike would have fit too.
I just got a Prius after my Subaru Legacy wagon was totaled. Compaired to the Legacy, the Prius' trunk space is small but I can fit a folded up Peg Perego Pliko stoller in there with room for groceries, etc. I haven't tried my largest stroller (a Mountain Buggy Urban double) but am doubtful I could get it in. For what it's worth, I have 2 Britax Marathon car seats installed in the rear seats and there's no way I could get a 3rd passenger in between. That said, unless you get some freakishly enormous stroller it should fit in a Prius. Also, if you're looking for stroller advice, I recommend the Strollers board at http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-ppstrollers. hope this helps!