I remember back in grammar school how they taught us to "duck and cover" under our school desks to save us in the event of an atomic bomb. The idea of evacuating Los Angeles has about as much probability of working. Let's see. 19 million people are going to hop in their cars and head north on I5 to Buttonwillow. Hey, there's a lot of open land there that could be converted to a tent city.
....similar (silly) instructions in the Army in the late 70's. They taught us "Turn our a** to the blast."
They are just posturing to Сделать Россию великой Снова - Putin has been selling those caps longer than Trump has his. They do have the nukes and oil/gas. Otherwise a middle-power. Thank God we don't have the saber-rattling of Cold War I - both sides are aware if either side attacks, it's gonna be bad, bad - believe me. These days, we are just annoyed and AFAIK nowhere close to using the red button.
Did you guys read about the new, big oil discovery in Texas? "The U.S. has produced more oil and natural gas than any other country every year since 2012, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration." USGS Announces Largest Oil And Gas Deposit Ever Assessed In U.S. : The Two-Way : NPR
Back to the topic of space, I'd like the next administration to double up on helping Space X and their domestic competitors perfect commercial low-orbit travel - crewed and cargo. Cheaper, safer, more often. Then everything else is easier than it's ever been.
British UFO researcher Timothy Good has quite a few tall tales that might just be true. Lots of landed vessel reports, including two meetings between Eisenhower and "etherials". I was particularly amused with the report of a motorcyclist driving up the ramp and inside a landed saucer. Friendly conversation until the motorcycle dripped oil on the floor - oops, time to leave. There are literally dozens of YouTube videos with Timothy Good in the title. I liked the following one: