I just bought a used 2012 Prius. On the way home, as soon as I got it up to 60 mph, I began to hear this loud groan from the engine. It is fairly repetitive and fades every few seconds. If I get the car above 70 mph, the noise stops. I've never driven a Prius before, but I assume this isn't normal - any insights? Everything else seems to be performing perfectly. The noise is present regardless of the mode the car is in. (Note: I am fully aware I should have tested the car above 60 mph before I purchased - please don't take the time to inform me of that, as I am already feeling thoroughly ashamed. I trusted the CPO label a little too much it seems.)
Being Certified Pre-Owned, I would get in touch with the dealership right away, get them to test drive, see what they say. Most importantly: get something on paper from them, along the lines of "customer says noise heard when driving between 60~70 mph". And hopefully some diagnosis. Even if they find nothing, you've registered an issue with them, virtually right after purchase. I'm "guessing" wheel bearing problem, but not very up on such problems.
In the event it is a wheel bearing failure, you might be good: From: Used Car Warranty | Extended Warranty for Used Toyota Vehicles