Tuesday our 2010 was hit in the side by a full sized pickup truck. We're sure hoping that it won't be totaled!
Make sure the frame is thoroughly inspected. Often times - the insurance company doesn't total the vehicle, leaving the car with nothing but problems for the rest of its life. Definitely not what you want to happen.... Hopefully nobody was hurt?
Good picture, really shows the extent. And it looks nicely contained: 1. The rocker panel trim looks unscathed. 2. New door, fender, bumper needed. Hood is fine? 3. Likely new plastic needed, for: fender liner, closer piece at back of fender. 4. Wheel looks have been hit hard, bent in the area of the (big) sidewall tear? 5. Drive shaft, steering rod, suspension is all going to need thorough inspection. We had a hit similar to that with a Civic, the repair process dragged on, the shop was never able to get the doors closing the same as before. I had a crack at it eventually, improved it slightly, but you still have to use more effort. The car's still on the road, in the family, but has some creaks and groans. Suspension pieces were replaced with iffy salvage components, might have contributed to the creakiness. Here's our hit, surprisingly similar, giving me deja vu, lol. Both front and rear doors hit though. Left turner in a big truck vs my dear wife. The bill was over $9000 (insurance paid). The wheel rim was put on a lathe and planed, reused:
Blessedly, there were no injuries to anyone in the accident. The other driver was found to be at fault and was cited for failure to yield in a left turn. We're waiting for our insurance company's adjustor to look at the car. I've already told them that I would want any repairs to be done at our local Toyota dealer's collision shop that has a good reputation. Like has been expressed. I am concerned that there may be damage to the suspension and drive train from the hit to the wheel. At a minimum it popped the tire in a big way. We're currently in a waiting mode for the adjustor to see the car.
I just got a phone call today from the insurance company - they are going to begin the process of repairing it. So it will be towed to the local Toyota dealership's collision center, which has an excellent reputation. I've already spoken to their staff to alert them that the car is coming and to discuss my concerns about the impact the left front tire received. No detailed estimate re the repairs yet from the insurance company, but they have said they will provide one.
Since the other party is paying for your rental might as well rent a Prius from the dealer for the duration.
Gosh I hope you have a Toyota Body Shop perform the repairs for you. Cause they will take your car apart and inspect it thoroughly. Certified Toyota Repair.
We were happy to finally pick up our repaired Prius yesterday morning. The quality of the repairs looks good, and there was no damage to the front suspension or the left front door mount. The total cost of the repairs was $5,904.
You might be wondering why you haven't been hearing from me...I lost my Prius last march, sadly it was totaled. I was hit by a teenage boy probably texting.