Is there an instant MPG indicator? I dont mean the HSI, I mean something that tells you what MPG you are getting at that moment of time? For Gen3 it was the arc on the side of the speed, for Gen2 it was the right most column- for the life of me I cant find it with Gen4. Useless? not really. I used it to determine if I was driving in a way I was willing to accept- It is hard to explain. If I see for example that what I am doing at that moment is costing a lot of MPG (accelerating up a hill), 45ish mpg I might be willing to accept- 35ish mpg might mean actively backing off the gas. With no real time actual indicator (the HSI arc is very arbitrary for this), it is hard to alter driving ability for instant trade off. I really hope there is an indicator I am just not finding. Any suggestions?
Have a look at page 111/112 in Owner's Manual. You enable "split screen" and pick detail "current fuel consumption". Hey maybe update your avatar.
I don't know why I am failing so badly at this.. I can get it to display the fuel consumption every minute or five minute interval or month but nothing in read time.....
Have to confess I'm dolling out advice vicariously; I don't have a fourth gen, just reading through the Owner's Manual pdf. But I believe it's doable, the trick is getting it into split screen??
So what I found so far is if you do a split screen and have half navigation and half fuel consumption you only see your mpg vs time in fuel consumption (like in the last minute the car got 52 mpg, 2 minutes ago it was 48 mpg, etc). That being said, if you press the fuel consumption pane and it comes full screen, you get the old style the Gen II use to have with the real time column all the way over to the right. To see this means that you give up navigation on the screen. I am hoping someone knows how to get this kind of indicator with navigation still on the screen or up by the speedometer... Still investigating
Here's my writeup on how to get that enabled: Dashboard setup for “economical driving” | PriusChat That will put instant MPG next to the speedometer.
Did mine the other day... it's not very intuitive... I read the f'ing manual (RTFM), but had to read the posts linked here to really figure it out. Now that I know it's a 2 step process (split, then set to mpg in other menu), it makes sense.
I did mine pretty easily, I actually did it by mistake and didn't know how I did it Then I read the manual
Just drive it..... Who cares about the gas mileage?! You're getting over 50. That's good enuf. (Only full tank mpg counts. The rest is just a gimmick.)
Even my dealer couldn't figure out how to configure it per the pic in the first post of the thread linked above. My only peeve is the real time display it a graph and not numerical, but I have my Scangauge I can use for that. I tried the Torque Lite app with my BT OBD adapter but the MPG was way too low. I emailed the developer about this, but never heard anything so I'm inclined to keep the SG.