Our daughter is considering buying a 2010 V with 110,000 miles. Assuming it's been well cared for (appears to be), how much more life could she expect from this car? What would typical mileage be when repair issues begin to become frequent? Thanks, Mark
does the car have its service history online at Toyota Owners portal? With the VIN, you may register and check that online history at: toyota.com/owners
The 2010 will probably run to 200,000 pretty easily, but it does need complete radiator and separate inverter coolant changes, probably transmission flush, and major tuneup (plugs, maybe wires, etc). All that could be well over $1,000. The biggest two concerns would be a failed inverter or high voltage battery in the future, both over $2,000 each to fix if they occur.
I think it'll be good and troublefree for the next 5 years. Does it have the technology package? The dynamic cruise control would be great. $8900 would be cheap if it has the tech package
Yeah if possible to verify: check if the coolant has been changed. Per the US maintenance schedule, engine coolant's was due at 100,000 miles, and Inverter coolant at 150,000 miles. The latter's a little confusing in the US booklet, but if you go carefully through the footnotes you can suss this out. That said, it wouldn't hurt to do them both at 100K. FWIW, the Canadian schedule makes not distinction with the two coolant changes, spec's both to be changed at 160,000 km's. And still, there is a sticker on the side of our (Canadian) inverter reservoir, saying inverter coolant not to be changed until 150,000 miles.
I have a 2010 V (5) with ATP with 80,000 miles. The only thing I am running into is that it is starting to burn oil (about a quart every 1700 miles). As long as it dosent get much worse than that I can live with it. Also, the V has 17 inch wheels which is great for handling but it will cost you a couple of MPG's over the long haul.
Mark, does it have the NAV or AT package or is it a base V? Does it have: LED headlights fog lights (If there is a gray plastic plug underneath the light in the bumper cover it isn't a V) 17" wheels leather headlight washers (behind rectangles under the lights) If not, it isn't a V. Too many cars are misrepresented. Search for and download the sales brochure to see what is and is not included in each model and option package. Twos (II) and threes (III) are a dime a dozen. In NJ the Region didn't import the base V. Your low price throws up a red flag. Is there something wrong with the car, is it misidentified, or is it just a really good deal? For example, cars.com lists a red V for $7995 with 102966 miles at Naryan Auto Group. The photos show the car does not have fog lights and is sitting on 15" wheels. The front seats look like they are cloth, not leather. The red V at Lee's Auto Center for $8650 with 108417 miles is really a III (at best). The Sandy Beach at the Mercedes dealer in Ft. Wayne for $8775 is also a III (at best). The red V at AutoNation Toyota Scion Libertyville is really a V at $9400 and 104739 miles. The white V at Rob's Auto Sales in OK is a V-NAV. If the inverter fails due to a defect in the IPM (under specific DTCs) it can be covered under the extended warranty attached to the recall. The hybrid components (and battery) are covered by the 10year/150000mile warranty (presuming the car was sold and registered in CA). Let us know if it is really a V and if it has an option package. Good luck.