I did some measurements for you. It is a fairly small area but manageable I feel for most. Depth is 30" Height is 18.5" on the sides and goes to 20" in the center Width is 37.5" not including the little cubbies between the wheels and the hatch. If you want a sketchup file I could throw one together in the next few days. Someone else had a question in here if they charged it for you. In my case I was 100% charged and fueled upon delivery. Only had 11 miles on it too.
It looks very pretty. That is the exact car that I will be getting after the first of the year. You have excellent taste.
Congrats! Does really look nice,but I must say that I am absolutely shocked what they did to the cargo area ! I just went down to my gen 3 and measured the trunk . Depth is 33,7 Height is~ 24.4 sides and goes to ~ 25.2 center (closed underfloor storage !) Width is 38.6 without cubbies and 59.8 with cubbies between the wheels! I do understand we lose hight due to the huge battery,but why do we loose more than an inch on width and especially 3.7 Inches in depth although even the normal version allready is about 3 inches longer and about a half inch wider than gen. 3 ? But even the loss in hight seems strange considering we are beeing told here in Germany that the load floor has been raised by roughly 6.3 inches referring to the load floor of gen 4. Eco version which should be about 27.4 inches from top to bottom considering there is no more underfloor storage ! 27.4 - 6.3 makes 21.1inches from top to bottom in my eyes but obviously isn't !? They at least could tell us the truth instead of trying to fool us !
thank you! beautiful, love the door sills! would love a sketch when you have time. is the height measurement in the hinge area?
How are you guys measuring "depth"? I just measured it the way I think to do it on my Gen 2, from the bottom of the back seat to the hatch sill, and it's 35.5". I remember looking at this on the Gen 3 and it was a tad larger but above you say it's 33.7". On the Gen 4 I thought it was a touch larger yet (but don't have the measurements) so I don't see any way it could be 30" unless that's a different measurement.
Not 6-8 inches closer, which is what it would have to be for this to make sense to me. It should be about 1" closer.
agreed. if the 33.7 is correctly measured, the 32 at worst on prime, unless the made the hatch bottom deeper inside, moving the sill forward.
That's helpful. What would be really great is a picture like the one below with a bunch of tape measures (or a bunch of pictures each with one tape measure in different positions) so we can avoid confusion as to what is being measured.
i just measured the pip depth in the middle of the hatch: 34.5 inches from the back seat to the inside of the sill. so the gen 3 shrunk by an inch?
Yes, a photo please. The numeric cubic-for volume posts have only served to confuse & mislead. It would be nice to finally overcome that.
I'm measuring depth by the bottom of the seat to the worst case on the rear near the hatch. Hard to describe. I'll make a sketch soon (hopefully tonight) so you can all see. I remeasured and it is 30" at the worst and in the center around 32". My guess is they moved the seats back a little but that's my thinking as the only other prius' I've been in are gen 1 and 2.
If they moved back the seats a littlte,and we are talking of a big little here considering the loss of space,there should be a significant increase of leg room in comparison with the liftback which is not the case ! That's how I measured it :