Another mod installed here on my V. Purchased Roadmaster VR3 Backup camera system with 3.5" color monitor. Installed one similar in my last car and had planned to do this to my Prius after deciding against the Nav. Kit was $90, and I got the cable to make it "non-wireless" for another $25. My other one was wireless and had interference now and then. I also decided to install it with a dash-mounted switch rather than powered solely by the backup light. The job took 4 hours yesterday and another 1.5 today to finish. Of course, not familiar in getting the interior panels off and the wiring underdash. And the wire connection threading thru to the front and installation of the switch and power doubled the time. Three holes drilled - 1 from the camera/rear of license plate into the hatch, 1 into a dash panel for the switch, and 1 into the lower console to bring in the monitor cable. I was going to trim the plastic camera mount and install it into the blank where the OEM camera goes under the hatch, but decided to go with the license plate mount as the camera pivots up/down to customize view. Decided to mount the monitor in the lower console area - not too visible from outside but easy view from the driver seat. The on/off switch is lighted when powered on. I wanted to mount in the blank under the car power switch, but looked too 'busy' behind and mounted about 2" lower. Used a fuse tap for the dedicated power - which can be switched on only when car is on. It works great, and cool to leave it on when driving - like a video camera. Glad I have it manually switched. The clarity is perfect. And the way I have the rear camera angled, I can now see something on the ground 2' away. I left the back interior hatch panel off as I have some carbon-fiber like plastic on order. I plan to remove the "blue" emblem backing and replace. Also will do the front.
Thanks for the detail and pics. Looks like a nice professional job. Did the back panel come off easy? did you break anything getting it off? Thanks, G
(partial copy from your related question on main forum) Quite easy. Although I gulped while doing it initially. The lower inner hatch panel has a 1" slot up about 10" from the bottom. Perhaps 1/8" gap between the plastic panel and the metal. That was the clue for removal. I slipped a thin putty knife over the metal, another under the plastic panel and sandwiched a thick flat-blade screwdriver and twisted. The panel popped out in that area. There's a plastic clip about 1" inside the gap. Then it's a matter of getting your fingers between the hatch metal and the panel and gingerly pulling a bit and the other clips will pop out of the holes in the hatch metal. All the hatch panels had about 20 of these clips and each one stayed with the panel when pulled out, and none broke. And reinstalling is a matter of aligning and punching in the panel till the clips reattach. You will no doubt see the nice job of cabling and positioning - and assembly. Everything was picture-perfect. Way to go Toyota. And - the camera works extremely well in the dark, with just the illumination of the backup lights.
Nice Job - can't go that route in AZ though unless you mounted at the bottom of the plate. AZ requires the state name to be visible on the license plate and not blocked by plate frames, etc.
Actually the top mount will work out perfectly for my application - and another reason why I went with the standard license mount. I ordered a new personalized plate. The plate will read "DUO PWR". and the plate type has "Florida" on the bottom between "Keeps" and "Green". There is a graphic of a sun rising above green pasture between Duo Pwr. The rub is that the theme is 'agriculture' and that is printed at the top of the plate. The winner is that the camera mount bracket will completely cover that. I will consider myself a converted Prius owner once that plate is on...
I followed your panel instructions and installed a PEAK wireless camera w/ 7" display. Easy enough...the power point was the rear wiper washer pins 4(+) and 5(GND). The display is just plugged into the front power outlet for now. It runs as a continuous rear display. Nice !
Thanks for the informative posting. I just purchased (2 weeks) a 2010 -II and was considering the Roadmaster VR3. Your installation looks beyond my thoughts (the hardwiring) -- I was considering the wireless feature. But you've given me second thoughts. I had been wondering whether the loom already had a power source behind the rear-hatch OEM knockout, and drilling through that? I had been considering mounting below the A & B pillars and disregard the security concern by labeling it a rearview Does your "always on" method help with the passenger side blind spot? Do the extra switch knockouts on the dash accommodate "Radio Shack" switches? Anyway your posting is awesome! Thanks! JayT
Where are you guys pulling power for the cam? Also, the cams come with a RCA jack - which will not fit through the hatch door cable rubber thingy... TIA
Sorry for bumping old thread... but I am about 80% done with installing the rear view camera on our Prius. How did everyone manage to make RCA jack fit through the hatch door cable rubber? I couldn't so managed to just cut it and rewired it. Also, does red cable from camera connects to the reverse white light bulb cable?