Hi all. I hope that I'm here to gloat. In other words, hoping to confirm that the deal I've already put a deposit down on is as good as I think. New 2016 Prius 4 with ATP and all weather mats: MSRP $31,952 OTD Price (not included tax/registration): $26,368. The OTD price includes the $2,500 Toyota incentive available in my area. Thoughts?
congrats and welcome! there's a pricing thread with lowest prices to date. drop over there and see how you did. all the best!
I spent some time looking & searching for that but couldn't find it. The search tool here seems weak. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks.
it is weak. go to the 'dealers and pricing' forum, near the bottom of the main forums page, then look for the 'best prices so far' by member @kenji4861 .