I am in the process of converting the rear bumper from non touring to touring. I thought all I needed was 52453-47020 which is the actual black plastic but it turns out that the sides are not triangles. Rather, they have a distinct bend in them and the lower painted panels wrap around the bumper more. I believe the two extended panels will do the trick. They come color keyed from Toyota. Below are the parts list for the red: 52565-47020-D0 52566-47020-D0 Then through some searching I believe I discovered how to remove the back bumper cover via 2016 Toyota Prius Manuals It appears to be very simple: 10 push pins under the bumper, 4 bolts up at the lights and what looks to be the standard Toyota panel "sandwich" at the seam where you pull straight out to pull the lip that is sandwiched between the plastic retainers. Anyone who has ever removed a bumper cover with these cars know what I am talking about. The lower part of the tail light comes off with the bumper cover. I have the central black piece but just placed an order for the extenders. The first place I tried refunded me and said the part was discontinued. I bet that they just didnt have it or didnt want to risk selling it to me without a vin. I have another order out there and as soon as I get it I will modify and let you all know how it came out!
Here is a ebay auction for one of these side extenders 2016 2017 2018 Toyota Prius Rear Right Passenger Bumper Spoiler Trim 52566-47020 | eBay you can see what I am talking about if you are not so in tune with the touring version. The sides of the black plastic piece are not exact slopes as they are in non touring, they bend
How much did you spend to do the conversion with all 3 pieces? I was interested in doing this mod too. I have a three.
The black plastic piece list price is $300 you can get it for $200 online but while you save on list and tax, shipping can be a high price point because its in a big box. While toyota lists prepainted lower bumper panels as official part numbers, dealerships cannot seem to get them and online orders are canceled as the part has been "discontinued" meaning you need to buy unpainted and have a body shop paint them. The pieces list for about $80 a side and a body shop will paint them both for $100 so looking at $260 but i didnt shop around. I would say the mod would be in the $500 range