I have not posted in a long time and I apologize if this is not the proper forum for this posting. I have a problem with our oldest Prius, a 2005 Package V. I have had an ongoing problem with the warning triangle and the headlight icon coming on and off for a few years now. Anyway, after locating the post about repairing the sensor, I finally got around to checking out the headlight height control sensor and when I opened it up, I found it to be badly corroded/ unrepairable.My local dealer wants $500+ to repair the system and I really don't need the leveling function anyway. My headlight level has been stuck it the same position for a long time, but as luck would have it,. they are at a perfect level....Always pass State inspection, illuminate the road perfectly etc. The problem that I now have is that the two warning icons stay lit all of the time. Does anyone out there know if it is possible to disconnect or jump wire the Headlight Level Control ECU or something else in the wiring system to disable/turn-off these two warning lights? I disconnected the corroded Height Control Sensor, but the warning lights stay lit. I searched the forum and found repair options, but nothing about disabling the warning system lights. I would appreciate any suggestion other than repairing or replacing the system.....I really don't need it. Thank you.
I'm in the same boat. I've searched E.bay for that piece or a Lexus load leveler but wasn't able to find anything. I finally contacted Steve over at autobeyours.com and he offered me two solutions, a used working pard from a 2008 Prius or a 25 dollar solution that disables the warning light for the headlight sensor. ( no shipping, just intellectual property delivered via email). I sprung for the replacement part.
The intellectual property probably relates to installing a resistor of appropriate size in the wiring harness. The resistor pretends to be the sensor. Makes much more sense to install a used working part, than that alternative.
I had the same problem and got a used sensor. It worked for 4-5 years then the same thing happened and this week I purchased a sensor on Amazon with no luck, the dash light is still on. I have checked the sensor and the plug, everything looks fine. Any suggestions on where to go next?
Get the fault codes read. If you want to do it yourself get Mini-VCI. If code is pointing to level sensor then maybe the new sensor is faulty?
You can replace the faulty part with a potentiometer and be done with it for a few $ if you would like to go that route.