I kick (and scratch up) the inside of the car door in exactly the same place. Those rather deep scratches don't bother me on my car, but if I was a more fastidious sort, I might put some protecting film in that area before they start (or at least be more aware). For me, it would be hard not to reflexively push the door out with my foot.
Nice video Jimmy. I had to laugh at how easily you get in and out of your Prius. I am exactly 1 foot taller than you, and probably 100 pounds heavier. I've had my car for eight months, and I still cannot find a comfortable way to get in and out. (And I don't fit in the backseat at all.) But the gas mileage sure is great! How come you and ATHiker kick the door open? You can't just push it all the way open with your arm? Thanks for the nice video. I wish more Prius chat members would make their own videos.
Thanks for your reply and watching the video. It is good to know I am not the only one kicking the door.
Thanks for watching the video and your reply. I don't think I kick the door to open it, but I tend not to open the door fully and there is a smaller space so my foot hits the door. I guess it is me not paying attention. And in some instances when opening car with traffic moving past on the drivers side I don't want to swing the door too far and offer a target for drivers to aim at. I understand what you are saying about being bigger than I am. To do a really accurate review I should have filmed someone taller and heavier than me getting in and out of the car. I also wish there were more Prius videos. I can't get enough of watching them. I am getting ready to film some Prius car camping videos. And although there is some discussion here on Prius car camping no members are doing videos of it. On youtube there are a few videos on the pre 2016 Prius camping but non of the 2016. Mine are coming soon.
Keep up the great work, Jimmy. I was watching a video from a doctor, and she was giving instructions on the proper way to enter & exit a vehicle. (Her video was meant for people with limited mobility, bad hips, or bad backs, etc.) You do it perfectly. Just like she instructed. I've been practicing it. I have to duck my head when I sit on the seat and swing my legs in. But other than that, it works pretty well with my Prius. Looking forward to your camping videos. Thanks.
You are right that is the best way to get in and out of a car. A chiropracter showed me that way many years ago. It is not only for people with already bad backs but it will help prevent future back problems in everybody. The common way people get in by putting one leg in first then torqueing the body as they complete the entry puts a tremendous amount of strain on the muscles, tendons, and spine. I originally was going to mention that in the video but somehow it slips my mind as I completed the editing. Thanks again for continueing to watch the videos and commenting. I don't get many comments so I appreciate the feedback and it helps keep me stay motivated to continue to do the videos.