Please move if this isn't in the right section but as the modified section I think it would be fun to see what other cars you guys have had before or currently have. So here it goes! 1997 240sx Also I had a civic which was supposed to be a normal stock car but as you can see it didn't end up that way lol
Lightly modded: Not as lightly modded: Typically modded: Which became uniquely (aero)modded: And more aeromodded, down to Cd .21:
I saw you on Saturday I think on the 605-->60E MERGED I guess here is my timeline: Integra (Sold it to buy the below): Then I had a GS300 I went with the VIP look Bought a CRX at the same time I regret selling because I didn't have time to work on it... Then I bought a S14 as a track car which I also regret selling because the front end alone would've sold for more than what I sold the car... Bought an evo then went power mod crazy...Which was totalled which wound me up in the prius. As a college grad gift to myself I bought a 993....I came across a good deal on an Elise. But I didn't keep that car for too long and ended up selling it in less than a year. Used half the funds to drop into an IRA and the rest of it I bought an E55; and now I'm just with the E55 with a few minor mods; the 993 I did a widebody on (RSR Clubsport); and the ever so reliable prius.
Nope; that's from the genius who decided to put a power pole right in front of the narrow exit from the parking garage under the building. Every car parked down there has the same scrape, and a few people have dented the crap out of their passenger sides. Mirror setup: The convex mirrors give me a better view than most people's improperly-aimed exterior mirrors. Before a car leaves the center mirror, it shows up in the side mirror, and before it leaves the side mirror I can see it in my peripheral vision.
I'll bring this thread back to life, cause it's a fun one! 2013 Ford Fiesta 2012 VW Jetta TDI 2007 Yamaha R6 (many cosmetic upgrades, though all very subtle) 1980 Toyota 4x4
Bumping this back up 2016 4Runner. Slowly modding as time goes. And another car but I don't like to post it