First of all, yes I have the v wagon and not the liftback.. I know! Same powertrain, this is the more popping section of the forum though! So today I passed a car on a country road, wide open throttle from 42 MPH to about 65 MPH (in PWR mode of couse!) the thing I noticed was after I was passed the other car and I started letting up on the accelerator, I felt an even stronger surge of power. Like it was actually faster for a little bit as i let off the accelerator! I believe my 2012 liftback did something similar. Why is this? Is this because the engine makes peak tourqe around 4200 rpm? (That's what I think i heard once) forgive if I'm wrong! I would think with HSD you wouldn't necessarily feel the affects of the torque curve. I know for a fact gen 2 never did anything like this. Educate me! Thanks, you Guys and Gals on PC are the best! -Aaron
I'll take a guess. That's all it is though. If this were a carbureted engine I would suspect a vacuum leak or a loose or worn spindle on the carburetor throttle plate(s). I guess the real question is, was there actual acceleration or was this just perception. Flat terrain on your country road? Grabbing at straws here.
It was flat, maybe a little uphill actually. But yeah it honestly feel ever so slightly like a carbureted engine
I think that's the CVT talking. It s a characteristic of a CVT where there's a second delay in response when you push the gas pedal and there's also a second delay when you let off the gas pedal. I've noticed that when I test drove a Subaru Outback with a CVT a while back.
No because I was holding it down for a good 7 seconds while passing. And the Prius doesn't have a CVT like other cars. No belts, cones or pulleys. It's A Ecvt
The eCVT works by combining ICE, MG1, and MG2 spins - awesome representation here: Off the top of my head now - if you lifted your foot enough to turn the ICE off, the MGs would have to change their spin speeds to regulate the change and that could have caused the power surge. In another situation that I've noticed in my car, there's a small loss of power when the ICE is kicking-in but it's power is only marginally needed. I guess the MGs are playing around a bit to find the sweet spot
I'll take this opportunity to remind everyone that power mode doesn't affect wide open power. You can pass just as quickly in eco mode as power when mashing the throttle. Power mode simply makes throttle response more aggressive at partial throttle positions.
I have a Burgman 650 motorcycle/scooter, it to has a CVT and yes, it does the same thing. After a while you anticipate for it, and I look forward to it.